65mm Spotting Scope review

Steve is going to compare the new razor to his Swaro.. not sure if he has the ATS or the ATX tho. We'll see what we can come up with, as I personally think the ATS 65mm with the wide agnle eyepiece is the perfect setup..
Excellent! Thanks Rob👍 I've had nothing but great service from you guys and you're reviews/first hand experience have been invaluable. Keep up the great work.

Would also be interesting if you can include the newer model of the Zeiss Victory DiaScope - at nearly $1000, or 50% more than the previous model, it'd be good to hear if they sorted out the issues you highlighted with the old model ...
I'd love to see a Kowa 663M tested too. Also excited to see the review of the new Razor, as I am close two buying either the old or new Razor or the Kowa.