6.8 Western issue rifle or ammo?

Feb 24, 2022
Just got a Christensen Ridgeline FFT and am having sporadic issues with the bolt being really hard to open. Sometimes it’s to the point that I have to stand up and really get leverage on the bolt to open it. Seems to mainly be happening with the 162 gr copper impact but I did shoot 3 rounds of the Browning 175 gr Sierra and one was a little difficult to open. In two boxes of the copper impacts it has happened a handful of times. Only have one other bolt action, a Bergara 6.5 CM they just shots everything I feed it well not sure where to start here. I have a set of calipers but not sure what to even measure. Don’t want to send the rifle back if it’s an issue with the ammo. Picked up most of the ammo about a year ago in anticipation of buying the rifle, the copper impact is the older style box. Not sure if there were production issues back then. Any help is appreciated!
This is after you fire those rounds? If so, sounds like a pressure issue, but factory rounds of any flavor should not create pressure issues. I'd call Christensen and see what they say
Yes after I fire. No signs of pressure issue I can see. I had a couple of guys who reload look at the spent cases and said they look normal.
This is, unfortunately, not uncommon with Christensen rifles. Sounds like your rifle needs to go back to them.
there have been a few stories in the past 6 months of undersized chambers from CA resulting in very sticky bolt lift, mostly with PRCs though. definitely give CA a call, it needs to go back. factory guns should shoot factory ammo.
Agreed - sounds like a rifle issue. I have a 6.8 browning x bolt and have shot the 165 and 175 rounds through it without issue. The ammo has been just fine in my experience. I just wish I could find more of the 175’s!
Thanks that’s what I needed to hear. Just got off the phone with CS rep for Christensen he said send it back too.