6.5 Creedmoor whitetail bullet


Dec 28, 2024
Is everyone actually using the "long range" type bullets for hunting whitetails at <300yard? I bought a Creedmoor because it does not kick much but I do not hunt long range. I'm thinking about using a hotcor or a gameking and just looking to see if anyone has used these at Creedmoor velocities.
Is everyone actually using the "long range" type bullets for hunting whitetails at <300yard? I bought a Creedmoor because it does not kick much but I do not hunt long range. I'm thinking about using a hotcor or a gameking and just looking to see if anyone has used these at Creedmoor velocities.
Don’t leave out the 129 interlok. That’ll handle business at your yardages.
At 6.5 CM velocities it's really hard to pick a bad bullet, especially given your criteria. I've killed loads of deer and hogs with 130 AB's, 120 BT's, 139 scenar, and 147 ELDM and they all kill very well.
Agreed with the above, pick any bullet and I’m sure it’d do the job at the distances you’re planning to shoot.
I have family in Texas. They hunt whitetail and hogs. They almost exclusively shoot 129grain interlocks and have yet to hear a complaint from an animal.
I shot this big boar with 6.5CM 129 grain interlock. Bullet entered right in front of the shoulder as the boar was quartering to me. Fell over dead right there. No exit.


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147 eldM 30 yards and 70 yards on whitetail doe this fall. No exit.. however vitals were mush. 5 yards on one and 50 yard downhill death run on the other. They definitely work up close.
I like Norma Bondstrike Extreme with my 6.5 FC shot a nice 8pt this fall at 104 yards and he dumped in his tracks, before that I ran Norma Tipstrike and shot a 8pt at 75 yards and he dropped also.