6.5 creedmoor mag length


Nov 7, 2020
Hey guys and gals!

I have a tikka t3x superlite 6.5 creedmoor and I’m shooting the Berger 156 elite hunters. But I’m running out of mag length before I can get the proper Jump. Are people using the long action mag to get away from this problem ? And maybe a long action bolt stop ?

Tikkas creeds have around 300k freebore which is significantly longer than saami. I know a lot of guys have success with 156s seated 50-75k off lands. My 6.5 prc shoots 140 elite hunter pretty well at 60k off lands. If you want to reach the lands, you'll need a long action stop and a 30-06/270 magazine. It'll feed just fine with the longer mag.
I’m at .120“ is the closest I can get before running out of mag length.
so I need to do something to get them a bit closer.
Yep, that’s what I would do. LA Mag and modify bolt stop.

My Creed was originally built from a 30-06, and it feeds like butter.

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There are a couple of how to videos online, but let me give you a quick "how to", as you don't need to buy anything other than an extra magazine.

This is what the bolt stop looks like as it comes for short action calibers such as 6.5 CM, .308, etc.



It is an extremely simple process to drop your stock, pull your bolt, and pop out the bolt stop. A few minutes with a grinder/Dremel and you are G2G.



You can see how much material I took off. I then stuck a little cold blue on the piece, and put it back together. It is a super quick mod.

Then you use a 30-06/.300 wm mag magazine.


Load as long as you want.

Hope that helps.

I use all three mag lengths in the creed depending on what bullet or barrel (freebore) is on the action.