Tikka LA to 6.5 Creed


Jul 10, 2018
Hi guys, rebarreling a long action tikka to 6.5 creedmoor. Curious if it would be worth it go grab the SA bolt stop and M+ magazine? I'm not concerned about the bolt throw but if anyone has had any feeding issues with the LA stop/mag then I'll swap it over. If not I'll roll as is.
Mag will feed smoother yes, bolt stop is just a nice to have. I’m assuming you have a bolt with the proper face dimensions?
If you want to shoot long for caliber bullets, you'll be happy to be building it off the long action. The tikka action isn't really a true "long" action, more of a medium, which is perfect for the 6.5cm.
The M+ mags already accommodate long for caliber bullets, highly doubt you will need a long action for a 6.5cm. Using your LA mags and bolt stop will work though. Its possible you have a few feeding issues as recoil allows the bullets to slip forward…but my guess is thats an intermittent issue. A sa bolt stop will shorten your bolt throw, but its only 3/8” or so. I swap between a la and short action as its only a $30 part and takes about 4 seconds to swap when you switch barrels, but it might not be a necessity.
Mag will feed smoother yes, bolt stop is just a nice to have. I’m assuming you have a bolt with the proper face dimensions?
Yes, swapping out a 270.
I swapped a tikka in 270 over to 6.5 creed, never changed the bolt stop, works flawlessly.
Good to know. I know the bolt stop isn't a necessity to change, main concern was the mag. Did you keep using the LA mag or go with the M+?
My long action 22/6cm feed like garbage with the L mags. Switched to the M+ and they have run flawlessly.
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