That's really interesting, I have a lot more experience with my 7mm08 using 120gr ttsx than I do w/ 6.5, according to barnes its about 100fps faster than the 6.5cm, but I would have thought it'd be very similar. My 7-08 120gr data table suggests it should still be above 1900fps at 400 yards, but that's only 20-ish fps faster than the 6.5 at that range. Everything I've shot with it (an antelope and a couple average-size WT deer) between 200 and 300 yds has made extremely definitive 1.5"-ish exit wounds--significantly larger than expanded bullet-diameter-- so I've never recovered one. The only two ttsx's I've ever recovered were shot from a 18" barreled 30-06, one an elk where it lodged into the far-side shoulder ball-joint after passing through the vitals, and a deer that I finished after it was on the ground that went sternum-to-spine, and it was protruding from the skin on the off-side after going directly through one of the vertebrae. I'm really surprised to hear of a ttsx of that size not penetrating deer-size game without hitting a big bone or something out of the ordinary. Do you or does anyone know if the 120gr 6.5 ttsx is designed to expand at diffferent velocities than the 7mm 120gr? Or ideas on why it didnt penetrate, seems really surprising based on my experience with that bullet in 7mm.