Great article, I found it interesting that you made no mention of spray. Do you carry spray. I've had a couple distant encounters that required no action, and when I was younger I always said well I'll just shoot the bear that charges. Well I've come to realize that if you have time to deploy a weapon, it's not going to stop (close range, body alarm accuracy here) a bear in its tracks, and even if you do land some shots a bear, or even a human for that matter still has enough life left to seriously injure or kill you. Especially if that was the intent to start with. I also realized that I don't want to kill a bear that I'm not hunting, (Bob Marshall). I'm choosing to enter into the small corner that these awesome animals have been pressed into, and I do appreciate them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not going to be eaten without a fight, but wonder what your opinion of spray is as a non lethal tool. Perhaps you don't mess with it as it's not mentioned.
Hmm, I wonder if bush pilots even allow spray in their planes. If one somehow burst that would be a guarantee for a crash.