Cade, you're thinking of keeping it 7-10 years, that's a good time frame. You've decided on a 1/2 ton, good choice in my opinion. There are trade-offs to everything, the 4-runner would be great and nimble, but the truck is more versatile.
Now, you get to reading about all the transmissions, engines, gears, etc. that are tearing up and nothing is lasting including the new Tundra's. What does one do? They get on a forum like this and read even more horror stories about a truck's engine/transmission lasting 35k or 60K, or "my truck has 750K miles and all I've ever done is change the oil," stories. You and your dad probably know a few "small" transmission and auto guys, talk to them about what they are seeing. Talk to them about what it costs to rebuild a transmission or drop in a new one that is probably better than the one the manufacturer put in to start with. The same with the engine. Ask the auto guy about electrical gremlins in certain vehicles. Talk to several of each, not just one, unless you really trust them. I have an auto guy and a transmission friend from church I trust.
Then, you have to decide what size engine, you have these trains of thought: A) A .223 is just fine for almost any animal in N.A. types so the 2.7 engine is just fine for them. B) I'm a happy medium, a .270 or a 3.5 V6 engine. C) You have us old guys that shoot .300's or .338's, don't give me turbo boost, don't give me eco nothing, what is the biggest V8 or V10 you will put in that thing? D) "Wait, you didn't mention the 6.5 creed!" Yeah, they are running Tesla trucks. They look nice, but whatcha really going to do with it besides looks? (That last paragraph should get this thread really rolling.)