I love my 45-70, its my go to gun if I'm not bow hunting. I haven't shot an elk with it, but 12 of the last 13 whitetail deer I've killed with a gun have been with my H&R single shot 45-70(qualifies as primitive weapon here). I've always shot the 325 Leverevolution. More than half of those were under 50yds and I haven't seen any issues. The does and small bucks I've shot dropped in there tracks, a couple bucks ran about 30-40yds and had one buck run about 100yds. One doe I shot frontal(50-60yds) while sitting on the ground, the bullet lodged just under the skin in hind quarter near the tail. The farthest I've shot was a doe just over 200 yds and dropped her, but every other shot has been less than 100yds.Great caliber, totally capable within reasonable hunting ranges. The only caveat for the 325 leverevoultion is if a close encounter is a possibility. I've personally witnessed poor penetration due to increased velocity and frangible bullet construction on elk sized game. This is inside 50 yards. Beyond that range is when the bullet construction and velocity really shine.