45-70 elk bullets

I’ve killed a good bit of game with a 300 grain Speer Hot Core out of an 18” Marlin guide gun including some big midwestern whitetails and hogs of all sizes. It’s very accurate and I get good penetration and expansion. They also make a 350 Hot Core that should be a fine big game bullet.
I load for my son‘s Henry 45-70. It has been a killer on deer with both 300 Hornady and the 325 FTX. Based on how a deer has never stopped one, either would be good for elk and add in the 300gr Barnes TSX as well. I killed several elk with 50 and 54cal muzzleloaders which are weaker than most any 45-70.
Any lever gun elk hunting fanatics out there? I’ve killed elk with my bow, and a few cows & spikes with bolt rifles & a 340 bull with my muzzleloader. My grandpa has given me his old Winchester 1886 45-70 that was built in 1894 but had a new barrel put on in the 80s or 90s by the previous owner. My grandpa used it for his clubs cowboy action shoots and did shoot one forky with it but used a lead cast bullet, I’d like to use a copper jacketed bullet or full copper in the 325-400gr range, grandpa loves to reload and has everything I’d need. I’m not shooting an elk much past 150yds and being that the guts of the rifle are 100+ years old with a more modern barrel I’d like to keep the pressures down. Remington Corlokt and Hornady leverevolution factory options are just right on the borderline of being safe and I’m not taking chances. Thanks! And post some lever action elk kills if you guys have some!

Shame the barrel was replaced. That gun would be worth at least $5k now.

I have the exact same model in 45-70 Govt, made in 1919. One of the last years for the 1886. My dad inherited the rifle from a guy who used it alot. I believe that guy took game in Africa with it in the 1950's and 1960's. Mine is a short barrel, and round and is one of the less desireable versions but is still work over $4K last time I took it to our local gun show and showed it around.
Shame the barrel was replaced. That gun would be worth at least $5k now.

I have the exact same model in 45-70 Govt, made in 1919. One of the last years for the 1886. My dad inherited the rifle from a guy who used it alot. I believe that guy took game in Africa with it in the 1950's and 1960's. Mine is a short barrel, and round and is one of the less desireable versions but is still work over $4K last time I took it to our local gun show and showed it around.
Yeah it’s bummer but I’ll never sell that gun. I’m just going to use the hell out of it now lol. I like that it’s a long barrel and the guy my grandpa bought it from put another octagon barrel on it. I am going to put a skinner peep on it since I’m not a fan of buckhorns/V sights but other than that it’ll be mostly original parts, even the wood is original.
I've killed around 15 deer with the Hornady Leverevelution 325grn and I wouldn't hesitate for a second to use them for elk. I've only had one of those deer not die within sight of me and he only made it 100yds. Most of them dropped.

I just had a thought regarding cast.

A: They're awesome & you should use them, and.....

B: If you do (you should) you'll need a slightly different sizing die. The RCBS 'cowboy' sizing die is slightly larger. If you use a regular sized die, your brass will compress the bullet & you won't get any kind of accuracy.

I just had a thought regarding cast.

A: They're awesome & you should use them, and.....

B: If you do (you should) you'll need a slightly different sizing die. The RCBS 'cowboy' sizing die is slightly larger. If you use a regular sized die, your brass will compress the bullet & you won't get any kind of accuracy.
Hell yeahz

I just had a thought regarding cast.

A: They're awesome & you should use them, and.....

B: If you do (you should) you'll need a slightly different sizing die. The RCBS 'cowboy' sizing die is slightly larger. If you use a regular sized die, your brass will compress the bullet & you won't get any kind of accuracy.
You think using the bigger die and a gas check will solve that problem or should I just stick with the bigger die and only use a gas check if the die doesn’t quite get the results??
Hell yeahz

You think using the bigger die and a gas check will solve that problem or should I just stick with the bigger die and only use a gas check if the die doesn’t quite get the results??
Personally, my preference is for gas checked bullets. It just keeps the barrel a little cleaner, a little longer & I find them to be a bit more accurate in my rifles.
Between the correct die & gas checks, my 1885 High Wall (copy) will hold 2moa out to 800yds with 510gr subsonic loads.
Personally, my preference is for gas checked bullets. It just keeps the barrel a little cleaner, a little longer & I find them to be a bit more accurate in my rifles.
Between the correct die & gas checks, my 1885 High Wall (copy) will hold 2moa out to 800yds with 510gr subsonic loads.
That’s awesome. I think I’ve pretty much settled on the Hornady 410gr subx and cast 405s with gas checks. Get both worlds. The lead cast definitely feels “pure” to shoot out of that old gun but I’m a millennial and I like new things too hahaha a high wall and a sharps is on my list to get. Love those old single shot hunting rifles.
That’s awesome. I think I’ve pretty much settled on the Hornady 410gr subx and cast 405s with gas checks. Get both worlds. The lead cast definitely feels “pure” to shoot out of that old gun but I’m a millennial and I like new things too hahaha a high wall and a sharps is on my list to get. Love those old single shot hunting rifles.
Try some of the maker 400’s Or 500’s. Great BC and open 100 fps slower than the Hornady.
Try some of the maker 400’s Or 500’s. Great BC and open 100 fps slower than the Hornady.
How do they do super sonic? I like the Hornady subx because you can load them up to around 1600fos and that’s about where I want my loads to be. I do like a mono bullet though especially for punching through elk bone!
How do they do super sonic? I like the Hornady subx because you can load them up to around 1600fos and that’s about where I want my loads to be. I do like a mono bullet though especially for punching through elk bone!
I have not run them much past 1100. I wanted a sub load for suppressed use. The 500’s had plenty on penetration at 1050. For deer I am going to step down to the 400’s. on a deer they left two holes and broke ribs on the way out. The 400’s I could spot shots, the 500’s were a bit too much to spot. Still low enough recoil I could use them in a pistol.
I figured the 500 at around 1100 is essentially the original buffalo load, but it opens up more than lead ever would. I think maker claims they are about 1.5” in diameter after opening.
That thing is like thors hammer.
My 2 elk just tipped over.
View attachment 691945
That’s the end result I’m hoping for!
FYI, I don't believe there's a .458 bullet made that won't smash the ever living crap out of any elk shoulder above 800fps. Solid, HP, gummy tip or cast.

If a .223 can do it, a .45-70 certainly can.
oh for sure! They get hit with that it’ll be like getting hit by a dumb truck at 30mph
I worked up a load with the Cast Per. 405 Grain that has take 3 Bison, very effective, esp. with shoulder shots.
Are these bullets a seasonal run?

I got into 450 Marlin last year and bought a couple boxes from Midway and now that I need more they are unavailable and have been for a while.