

Feb 4, 2025
Anyone on here other than me have one?

I've got a colt clone wit a 6 1/2 inch barrel. Mostly have just shot hard cast cowboy loads through it because, well that's what was available. That being said, I've killed a skunk, a rattlesnake and a road hit deer with it.

I'm looking to carry it with me when I hunt, and if the opportunity arises to shoot a very close range deer with it. A buddy has some jacketed 427 dia bullets that he said he'd load up for me but I'm thinking soft cast would be the way to go. What say y'all?
Have you ever loaded BP in a cartridge? It is different from loading smokeless.
I loaded pyrodex once for the 44-40 and it was a stout load, more for curiosity sake than actual use. I shot five and cleaned the gun and never loaded anymore. I've never used real BP for anything