4 Colorado preference points??



Apr 23, 2020
To put this in different perspective... I have been taking info from all of you without giving anything back for years... now I want help.

I do appreciate your offer to reciprocate and I think you will receive some help. All most of the great guys on here ask in return is for you to contribute to the forum and understand that the the info you get came from someone's time and energy.
Hey Laramie,
Been reading gear reviews mostly. Is there something wrong with asking for direction on decipering Colorado’s very confusing big game draws? I do the same on f150 forums to figure out my truck!
Jul 18, 2015
Is there something wrong with asking for direction on decipering Colorado’s very confusing big game draws? I do the same on f150 forums to figure out my truck!
One thing to keep in mind is, when you're asking for help figuring out your truck, you're not asking for someone to give you the parts off of their truck to fix yours. It's not a perfect comparison, but when you're asking for where to apply in a hunting forum that's kind of what you're doing. You stated specifically that you're "not looking for your spot" but then again, do you want someone's advice on a place they've never hunted? Do you want truck advice from someone that's never made that repair/mod?

I'm sure you'll get some good pointers so it's absolutely worth posting. But considering you've been "reading the forum info for years" I'd think you'd expect those sorts of comments. Comes with the territory.

On a side note I'd argue that Colorado's big game draw is one of the simplest in the west, certainly moreso than Montana! @Next Ridge posted up the draw recap from last year which is as detailed as pretty much any state puts out.

I have 4 Colorado preference points and would like to try pull archery tag this year

It seems Colorado is all OTC or 15 years.
Lots of options between OTC and 15 points. A simple goHUNT search shows 53 units that are draw for archery which you were guaranteed to draw last year with 14 points. goHUNT says 45 of those were guaranteed with 3 points last year, so outside of OTC you can go a lot of places with those points.
Feb 27, 2012
Tijeras NM
I'd blow my 18 deer points in a heart beat if I could get exclusive access to a couple different ranches I know in a 0-1 point unit.
You think ill be able to draw it with 7 this year? I see where guys talk about dumping up to 10 and 12 points there the last few years because they are in no mans land.
Dec 21, 2018
I'd start by looking at 1st and 4th season hunts that only take a single point. Nothing really worth 4 points. Better hunts either take fewer or significantly more points.


Apr 17, 2020
Hey Laramie,
Been reading gear reviews mostly. Is there something wrong with asking for direction on decipering Colorado’s very confusing big game draws? I do the same on f150 forums to figure out my truck!
Tags in the west have much higher demand than supply. It's competitive to say the least. You are asking for someone to simplify the process by providing info that inevitably lowers someone else's chances. I have zero issue with it just hoping to help you understand that your first statement came across wrong and maybe your perspective can change. The idea of a forum is for people to share stories, knowledge, thoughts, etc, not just take some info and run.


Apr 23, 2020
Welcome. I’m a huge hockey fan. Curious what team?
Tags in the west have much higher demand than supply. It's competitive to say the least. You are asking for someone to simplify the process by providing info that inevitably lowers someone else's chances. I have zero issue with it just hoping to help you understand that your first statement came across wrong and maybe your perspective can change. The idea of a forum is for people to share stories, knowledge, thoughts, etc, not just take some info and run.
yes I totally agree, I could have worded the question better. Im definitely looking for knowledge on a topic and have offered all I can offer on Mt and Alberta.


Jul 17, 2020
Retired pro hockey player. Retired but I can still go. I don’t mind paying for a ranch hunt, but am up for anything. Backpack, RV. Last season in Mt I paid 4k for a guided archery elk hunt on a ranch in the Lil Snowies and it was spectaular. That’s as much as Id spend.
Which outfitter did you use in the Lil Snowies in MT..i'm interested in that breaks tag hunt myself..thanks


Apr 23, 2020
Get a few more posts so you can send PMs.
Then, send me a PM. I may have some info for you

I know I can initiate the PM conversation but this way the onus is on you.
Ok when I get the PM figured out Ill shoot one over


Jan 21, 2022
I also am newer to the forums and am trying to become more involved in the community. With a couple years OTC hunting hunting under my belt and thinking about spending my 4 points in the Colorado draw this year. It would be awesome for some guidance in maybe an area to look at or maybe advice towards rifle or muzzleloader hunting to spend my points on. Not looking for a certain honey hole or anyones spot just guidance on what to look for when trying to spend my points and what to expect. Will also help any way I can with my OTC experiences I’ve had and any knowledge I can bring


Jan 21, 2022
Truly not looking for anyones spot or honey hole, just saw this thread and it was coincidental that I also have 4 points and it will also be the first time I enter the draw trying to get a tag. I have been hunting quite a few times and have those places myself from otc hunts that are praised and I worked hard to find just the same As everyone else here has. I’m not trying to get someone to tell me there’s. Just when looking at broadening my area on where to maybe go or not go there’s lots of areas I know nothing about or whether even a muzzleloader hunt might be better than a 1st season rifle hunt. Just things of that nature


Oct 28, 2014


Jan 21, 2022
Alright. I’m sorry if I’ve came off the wrong way or obviously am learning the curve of how this works and what is correct to say and not to say and that stuff. Obviously I’m new to the forums and don’t have much experience with posting. I’ll keep to myself and hang out in the background and learn some before opening my mouth again haha. Didn’t mean to step on anyones toes. I’m just trying to get out there


Jun 10, 2020
Alright. I’m sorry if I’ve came off the wrong way
You're fine, just your questions are pretty basic/wide open. We can't help you with rifle vs muzzleloader (Which do style of hunting do you prefer? Does time of year matter to you? Which weapon are you more competent with?), but once you nail that down, you can use Colorado's Big Game Draw Recap (Google will get you there) to see what points were required for what units last year (or you can use GoHunt. 7 days free, then $150).

Find a few units that took more than 0 points but 4 or less points and start a list. Then compare the units and try to sort out if they took more points because they are close to a city (people don't like to drive), are actually a better unit, or people just think they're better because they used to be back in 1992 or last year some YouTuber blew up his channel hyping Unit X.

Now take your shortened list and start looking at public land availability, terrain, and access. Eventually you'll be down to just a couple of units and you can flip a coin and apply.


Jan 21, 2022
You're fine, just your questions are pretty basic/wide open. We can't help you with rifle vs muzzleloader (Which do style of hunting do you prefer? Does time of year matter to you? Which weapon are you more competent with?), but once you nail that down, you can use Colorado's Big Game Draw Recap (Google will get you there) to see what points were required for what units last year (or you can use GoHunt. 7 days free, then $150).

Find a few units that took more than 0 points but 4 or less points and start a list. Then compare the units and try to sort out if they took more points because they are close to a city (people don't like to drive), are actually a better unit, or people just think they're better because they used to be back in 1992 or last year some YouTuber blew up his channel hyping Unit X.

Now take your shortened list and start looking at public land availability, terrain, and access. Eventually you'll be down to just a couple of units and you can flip a coin and apply.
Makes sense. I do have GoHUNT and have done quite a bit or research and narrowed it down some. I’m not exactly sure if I want to do a rifle or a muzzleloader hunt but I think I want to do one of those two. Maybe I’ll start there and decide what type of hunt and narrow it down even more. Thanks for the help.


Dec 5, 2016
You will learn 2 key points on this forum:
1- elk hunters are not 'family', dont listen to the BS about comradery etc
2- people want access to public land, but dont want new hunters joining the ranks to crowd those same lands

Carry on......