Wow.Ok. I responded a couple times to posters. Then I read the whole thread. I know this is just a discussion. And, I’m bored. So, here goes.
What's off is they now have a new facility. That moved quite a ways from the origin of this company. Frank wasn’t the only one who didn’t transfer with them. And, the way I understood it, that was his decision. Not that it matters.
I don’t know where their cordura comes from in this country. But, I’m guessing the move put them farther away. That’s price increase number one. Shipping increases as delivery destinations get farther away. And, being berry compliant doesn’t lend to a closer option.
I’ve never met many people standing in line to be a seamstress either. Much less to sew back packs. I don’t know if their sewers moved or not. I’m just saying if they didn’t, it likely wasn’t easy finding a compotent labor force that was willing to move to Wyoming. And, it took money to get them there whether they transferred or had to be hired. Price increase number 2.
Tooling, material, work force, new hires, transferring employees are all cost they took on. Profits come after those increases hit home. Somewhere in all this is why things now cost more for them. Which is why consumer prices are increased and further options are limited.
Anyways, no one there is living lavishly. And, at these prices, no one is buying the whole cow now versus the steak pre move. Running a business for profit is different than being a W2 employee. And, that distinction is lost in a lot of these posts.
It’s not a mystery. Their pricing has been adjusted due to having a higher overhead. Everyone there realized the fallout from higher pricing. It’s not due to greed either.
Things for them have changed. You still gotta decide if buying American made is good enough versus berry compliant. I’ll take berry compliant. There frames are the pinnacle. So are their bags. Set aside the bias and everyone is still compared to Kifaru when it comes to back packs. And, You look to the top to find the benchmark. That hasn’t changed.