I’ve been using kifaru packs since 2014. 2 frames and 4 diff bags. The best of the bunch is the EMR2. Not a fan of the new giant plastic plastic clips and auto lock buckles on everything. I realize I could change those out… doesn’t seem like Aaron even works there anymore, just guides, hunts, and changes arrow/bow setups every 5 minutes. It was cool when Aaron or Frank put out videos of the new product and how they use it. I have no idea how many new media people they have but it seems like a lot. Ranger green is also the worst color they’ve offered lol
Kifaru isn't cool like EXO is right now. Look at the trends on here. If certain people do it/use it the masses follow. I bet if Aron was posting on here like he used to Kifaru would be way more popular.
You’re probably right. Unfortunately for some companies current trends and marketing can mean more than the quality of the product being sold.
Bought the reckoning when it came out it will be the last pack I ever buy. Aron answered the phone while on the deer stand answered questions and just bullshited he reminds me of friends I have maybe it’s the working in construction connection. He worked his way into the deal so good for him. The ppp is a non starter if you owned a business and didn’t take it your a fool just good business.

If they start making dog training stuff then I might buy something again. I do use the frame to pack wingers around in places I can’t drive. I might be the only person in America to do that with their Kifaru
I ran an XTL on a shoulder strap with 2 boxes of #5s inside, treats and a check cord in the underside zip pocket.

A spotting scope pocket attached to the PALS webbing, it held a couple of pheasants and was easier to unload birds than any vest I've used hunting in SD where we could be walking a long tree row or road hunting.

A pic with it all rolled up, there's also a Kifaru 2qt pouch (holds 40 12ga) with a pouch from Rugged Stitching as a dump/game bag too:

A pic with a few birds:

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Like Tikka and SWFA scopes?
People are sheep.

I don't have a single brand that I live for.

I have a lot of everything from everyone. While I am somewhat of a Kuiu, Swazi, Swarovski, Zeiss, Toyota, Subaru, Mazda, Blaser, Harkila, Tru-Spec, fan boy it often bites me in the rear end.

It is challenging when you are used to buying something and the fit or quality changes. Tru-Spec pants now all suck.

It is challenging when you buy an expensive item (Swarovski), from a company you have tons of money in (EL Range TA, X5 ETC and then you hate the product they sent you. (any Swarovski spotter).

Or if you stick your neck out with a company you have tons of gear from (Swazi) and buy a new product to only have it suck (the new pants).
I was a huge fan of Patrick Smith... I can't pretend Aaron Snyder's public personality makes me want to buy one of their packs these days. But that doesn't matter, I already own a Reckoning on a duplex frame, and that pack has been excellent for the last 8-9 years. And I'm not going to write him off totally, cause I don't know the guy. You make me the public figurehead of a company like that and I would put my foot in my mouth on a daily basis.

They make tough gear, and I love the Reckoning layout. Not my favorite company on the marketing front... but the SG social media teams never ending blitz make me want to puke too. That said, I think their packs are probably every bit as awesome as the Kifaru.

I blame social media as a whole. We're past the love struck infatuation period of instaface, snaptwit, and whatnot (yes, I know how to spell all of them, and even use them, but it sounded funnier in my head to say it that way). My two cents is that the algorithms of social media require a never ending content stream from these companies to keep their sales up. But it comes across as if the whole business is being run like a teenage influencer, flitting from one hot picture to the next. Kifaru isn't the only hunting company that makes me want to puke when I see their ads. It's every frickin one of them.
I have no comment on how or who is running Kifaru Intl. currently, although I do appreciate American based companies putting quality products (which I believe Kifaru is still trying to do). However, the reality is pack fit does matter, whether or not certain RS members agree or not, packs are not just packs.

The "hunting" pack market continues to become more saturated every year as options and free information abound. While most companies, if not all are driven by marketing and their fan base that never actually "use" the product, yet incessantly parrot the same old tired 100+lb load capacity line. Few hunters will actually use the product to the standard set by the manufacturer. Those that actualy do find out who is FOS and who isn't.
I havent been in the pack market for a longtime because my old Kifaru fit and function has lasted. Theres no since in replacing what is rock solid.
For what some of these packs cost, you got to figure out a way to use them as much as possible.

I think that was actually one of the last times it got used. I hated the freaking thing to be honest!
Bad layout, stupid design fads (Snyder was all tradbows at the time) & very soft, thin material compared to the rest of the brand.
I thought it was the bee's knees when i first saw one, but after living with it for a season or so, it had to go. I traded out for a MR Pop-Up & I've not looked back since.
Bought a reckoning and a duplex lite frame in 2021, with a guide lid and a few other odds and ends, which have all been fantastic. Their current marketing scheme drives me up the wall. I unfollowed on Instagram just because of it.
Ok. I responded a couple times to posters. Then I read the whole thread. I know this is just a discussion. And, I’m bored. So, here goes.

What's off is they now have a new facility. That moved quite a ways from the origin of this company. Frank wasn’t the only one who didn’t transfer with them. And, the way I understood it, that was his decision. Not that it matters.

I don’t know where their cordura comes from in this country. But, I’m guessing the move put them farther away. That’s price increase number one. Shipping increases as delivery destinations get farther away. And, being berry compliant doesn’t lend to a closer option.

I’ve never met many people standing in line to be a seamstress either. Much less to sew back packs. I don’t know if their sewers moved or not. I’m just saying if they didn’t, it likely wasn’t easy finding a compotent labor force that was willing to move to Wyoming. And, it took money to get them there whether they transferred or had to be hired. Price increase number 2.

Tooling, material, work force, new hires, transferring employees are all cost they took on. Profits come after those increases hit home. Somewhere in all this is why things now cost more for them. Which is why consumer prices are increased and further options are limited.

Anyways, no one there is living lavishly. And, at these prices, no one is buying the whole cow now versus the steak pre move. Running a business for profit is different than being a W2 employee. And, that distinction is lost in a lot of these posts.

It’s not a mystery. Their pricing has been adjusted due to having a higher overhead. Everyone there realized the fallout from higher pricing. It’s not due to greed either.

Things for them have changed. You still gotta decide if buying American made is good enough versus berry compliant. I’ll take berry compliant. There frames are the pinnacle. So are their bags. Set aside the bias and everyone is still compared to Kifaru when it comes to back packs. And, You look to the top to find the benchmark. That hasn’t changed.
Apparently you don't know what some of those trucks cost that Aron drives these days lol

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Apparently you don't know what some of those trucks cost that Aron drives these days lol

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I do there are three in my little town of 3000. Banks give loans. Hell the raptors are cheap compare them to the platinum diesels the ranchers and farmers drive all over.
I am being polite when I say this. I really am. But, I can’t get my mind around the way some of you rationalize what you read. And, I’m not addressing your point directly in contradiction. But, I am pointing out the obvious.

Mystery ranch isn’t an American made pack company for hunting packs. And, hasn’t been for a while. As far as packs, there’s probably more fieldline, Allen, and kelty in the elk woods then all others combined. But, they aren’t American made.

My pint has been so obvious it’d take a fanboy to miss it. An example of what I intended was It wasn’t that long ago when exo missed delivery dates by miles. Pointing that out doesn’t mean I don't like them. They did exactly what Kifaru is working on doing. They addressed it and are back in perfect form. I wouldn’t expect any different or they wouldn’t be here or be so popular had they not handled it that way.

Good day gentlemen. Life is good.
There are probably more American made MR packs in the woods than there will ever be Kifaru. Sorry that you can't comprehend that. And they haven't made mainline packs outside of their military and fire packs in the US for years. I can count on one hand the number of Kifaru packs I've seen someone using in the past ten years. Two of those were from members on here. That's from hunting five different states. I see far more SG packs, followed by EXO for American made packs than I do Kifaru. Once you throw in imported packs, none of those mentioned hold a candle to MR, Badlands, and Eberlestock. I'd wager there's ten times as many Badlands 2200 packs on the backs of people than all Kifaru packs combined.

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