I'm in the process of having a custom rifle built. The original plan for the rifle is a two barrel take down rifle and was going to be chambered in 270 weatherby as well as 338 win mag but recently I've been torn between the 338 win mag and the 375 ruger. Not that I really plan to hunt Africa in the next 10-15 years and who knows if I ever will but having a rifle capable of it would be nice I dont reload yet but will in the future and factory ammo for both seem to be around the same price as well as availability. The reason for the 338 win may originally is because I own one already and would be able to use the ammo I currently have for the new rifle but I also only have about 12 rounds of it left and only two boxes of brass anyways so it wouldnt be a put out to go 375 Ruger. There isn't a whole lot out there comparing the two and figured I'd ask for some others opinions on the two. The main reason for the custom build is because I am left handed and all my rifles are right handed hasnt been an issue but I wanted to down size the collection as well as have a high quality rifle actually built to me. Most of my hunting is here in the west I live in eastern washington and the majority of my shots are between 200 and 500 yards my buck last year was 410 my bear this year was 280. I plan to hunt alaska and canada in the future as well as other states out west here. So any hands on experience with the two or credible information to point one way or the other will be greatly appreciated.