There is a stack of questions I have about this.
To directly answer your question, IMO the 300wsm is one of the finest cartridges around, and can be pushed to be harder/faster/better with a long action.
That being said,
I really noticed my pops age this last season. I would push him towards a lighter gun/recoiling cartridge combination.
I run a Traverse in 300WSM. Wanted to go Ridgeline FFT, but I got such a deal, I couldn’t pass it up. The 24” Christensen barrel sends 180gr factory Bondstrike loads at 3,040 fps. 22” should still get you real close to 3,000 with a respectable hand load or even the factory Norma. The Christensen brake is great. I could shoot it all day, no problem. I say go for it with your barrel.