30-06 round


Sep 6, 2016
Im looking to pick up ammo for the upcoming season, gun will be used for deer/bear in Pa.

The ammo im looking at is all federal in 3 different bullets listed below

165 gr barnes triple shock
165 gr partition
180 triple shock

Any opinions on the different bullets? Its overwhelming looking at the different kinds of bullets and trying to pick a load

If it maters it will be shot out of a Remington 760 pump, no shots will be over 150 yards, more likely 75 yards and in

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That’s some pretty short range shooting, so any well placed shot will kill. Back before the internet i blissfully killed deer with wrong bullets. The deer also did not know any better, so everyone was cool with it.

Traditional lead cup and core bullets tend to fragment a lot on close in shots due to high velocity. Still quite fatal, but more likely to damage more meat.

The partition will do better than that but still some fragmentation of the upper portion.

The copper solid should hardly fragment at all.

IMO hard to go wrong with the partition.
Partition…those old Remington pumps are cool guns, but not known for accuracy. Should be able to find ”regular” bullets Nationwide you could even go with Core Lokt for a cheaper option.
165 partition would be my choice, all things being equal. It’s a great combo of expansion and penetration.

That said, I would buy a couple options and see what shoots best. At 150 yards and less, it’s far more important to get the bullet where you want it than what kind of bullet it is.
Save some money.
Your situation is EXACTLY why Core Lokts & Federal blue box were invented & are still going strong.
In your situation (which I basically am, just 700 miles south) I'd go with 150s.

They're both perfect eastern hunting bullets.
I’ll add stay away boat tails. Thick brushy woods we always used 180’s.
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Save some money.
Your situation is EXACTLY why Core Lokts & Federal blue box were invented & are still going strong.
In your situation (which I basically am, just 700 miles south) I'd go with 150s.

They're both perfect eastern hunting bullets.
This is the right answer. Those yellow and green boxes have been effectively killing animals for decades.

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It flat out doesn’t matter what you use with that cartridge at those ranges. Pick the most affordable thing that’s accurate and spend your time getting a good zero and practicing

Ive killed a pile of whitetail with almost all the generic soft points in that exact scenario and they all work. That is the perfect scenario for bullet choice forgiveness
Agree with all responses. FInd an option that you can source locally in good quantity at a reasonable price and go practice. Dad had the semi-auto version of that Remington (7400 or 7600), and it wasn't too picky out to 200. After that you had to be a little more particular and still not expect particularly good groups.
If you just want to try the Barnes copper bullets you definitely will not have to worry about staying above 1800 fps at those ranges and will be pretty much guaranteed a pass through.
If you go barnes ttsx, I dont think theres any reason to go with the 180’s, the 168’s or even the 150s will pass through just about anything. I shoot them out of my 7600 carbine and have been very happy with the results and find they tear up meat less than a softer lead bullet when you inevitably hit the off-side shoulder at some point.
No need for a bullet designed for longer range accuracy when the range is 150 yards or closer. Flat based bullets fit the bill perfectly well.
I had a bad experience long ago with boat tails exploding on contact in the woods using a 308 win. Never again.
Sounds more like you just had way to soft a bullet for close range velocities..
sierra 165 grain Boat tail out of a short barrel 308 win. Long time ago.
I hear they are better now but still no good reason for a boat tail out to 300 yards.
If you’re dead set on the listed three options, then I would say the 165 partition. Otherwise, I would load a mag with 220’s of any make. Big heavy round noses kill like hell. I have an older 760 in 06 myself.