3 weeks from headed to AK DIY Drop camp considering change to bow

Sep 6, 2020
So a buddy and I are headed to Bethel AK and then out on a drop camp hunt leaving in about 3 weeks. Been planning on taking my 300WM since we started looking at the hunt, but as it gets closer and I watch more videos I’m starting to lean towards taking my bow instead. Not enough weight allowed to take both, but my partner will have his rifle so that could be used if the bow shot never materializes.

Tried for a Northern BC Archery bull several years ago and got into range 3 times but couldn’t release an arrow in the alders where we were any of those times. Ended up taking a bull with the guides rifle after bumping him a couple times and failing to get any calls to work.

Figure if I don’t take the bow, big bulls will walk through camp the whole hunt, if I take my bow it will be 300yds plus every time. Trying to decide in the next week or so what I take to the airport. How many of the moose hunters on here take bows and leave their rifle behind? Hoping we hit it right and can call something good into bow range.
if you want that challenge, go for it... I want the option of burying one in his chest facing straight at me if I need to...

300 short mag for me...
I did that hunt in 2018. It's a blast and I was in the same boat. I ended up ditching the bow and just using my gun. Looking back, I am so happy I chose that because it was a logistic heavy hunt and an extra giant case and deciding each day whether to grab bow vs. rifle would have just made it more complex. I love to bowhunt, but my vote is to leave it at home.
I say do whatever will make you happy in the end. On our hunt my uncle kept hinting that he wanted to take his bow & I kept telling him that we needed to make the most of an opportunity that we may never do again. He ended up shooting his with my rifle and after the hunt I asked if he would ever take the bow and he said no lol. It was a hard hunt and like I said, we were trying to make the most of an opportunity. If I had the chance to hunt moose every year I would definitely take my bow... I don't though and I'm completely fine with toting the rifle.
if there is a rifle in camp, you will probably end up shooting it with the rifle. When you're looking at that bull at 100 yards through the binos this will go through your head "i have a perfect shot with a rifle, i could try to call it in closer or stalk up to it but it might catch our wind/sense us and take off, I have a perfect shot with the rifle" hey buddy can i use your gun for a quick second!
Lol….. appreciate all the replies.

Kwackkillincrew hit it on the head, we took bows and rifles to Quebec on a caribou hunt a long time ago…. Carried a bow around for a few miles and then shot 2 caribou with my rifle instead, and my same hunting buddy got his 2 caribou with my rifle also.

Going with the boom stick this time, and if all goes well we will go back and maybe do bow on that one.