3 fletch or 4 fletch?

4 fletch 75* x 105* 360 flex fletch for me. Been experimenting with 4 fletch blazers too. Adds extra drag at longer ranges but for me the positives outweigh the negatives.
I love the 4 fletch, they seem to shoot very well but really not all that different than 3 fletch. I shoot 4 fletch for two reasons. 1) They seem to stabilize a fixed blade better when I choose to use one and 2) I can nock the arrow in the heat of the moment without getting it wrong or worrying about a cock vane being up, etc.

I've shot at 100 and 101 to see how much they drop, for me. At 101 yards, my 4 fletch drops 10". 65lb bow, 28" draw, 430 grain arrow.
I love the 4 fletch, they seem to shoot very well but really not all that different than 3 fletch. I shoot 4 fletch for two reasons. 1) They seem to stabilize a fixed blade better when I choose to use one and 2) I can nock the arrow in the heat of the moment without getting it wrong or worrying about a cock vane being up, etc.

I've shot at 100 and 101 to see how much they drop, for me. At 101 yards, my 4 fletch drops 10". 65lb bow, 28" draw, 430 grain arrow.

10" more drop than the exact arrow with a three fletch?
I've shot 4 fletch for the last few years, until last fall when I switched back to 3.

I found that fixed blade BH were a little easier to get tuned using 4 fletch. Another advantage is that you can be a little more precise if you nock tune your arrows giving you 4 points in the rotation instead of 3. They also provide a little more clearance with your cables.

I haven't made up my mind what I'm going to shoot this year.
4 fletch with the max stealth is a bit over kill for fletching. I use four fletch and love it on small low profile vanes like the AAE Pro Max or the AAE Max 2.3. Anything much larger is too much drag and it will kill your accuracy beyond 50 yards.

The max stealth is an awesome vane though and I like it a lot with a slight off set in a 3 fletch.

Try the 2.3 vane in a four fletch and I think you'll be happy with the results.
10" more drop than the exact arrow with a three fletch?

No sorry, I realize now that the question was difference in drop from 3 to 4 fletch. I simply measured how much my 4 fletch drops with a 1 yard difference at that range. I'd guess a 3 fletch would be darn close to the same.
I tried 4 fletch but ended with a strong helical 3 fletch with the AZ EZ mini fletcher and got the same gain of stabilization with 3 vanes. I noticed an increase in accuracy at distance as well especially with cross winds. I shoot both mechanical and fixed blades the same.