3 day/week training suggestions


Dec 26, 2016
Redfield, South Dakota
Had a “self made” program that seemed to work last year but will have less time to work with this year. I already workout, but like to switch the training 6 weeks out. If you only had time to work out 3 days a week (mon, wed, Friday) what would you’re program look like to train for a mountain back pack hunt?
Lots of squats, deadlifts, pull-ups, shoulder presses, cleans, weighted box step ups, kettle bell swings, Turkish get ups, calf raises with some rucking and stair climber with a pack thrown in especially as it got closer to the season. Doesn’t need to be heavy weights but I bet you’d get a lot of the cardio benefits just doing the compound exercises especially if you super set them and the workout would go quick. Just my idea of what I would do.
The reason I’m asking is the wife is due early August so I’ll be cramped on time haha. I’m trying to figure out a transition from the weight room to rucking and doing more cardio, but still getting some weights in.
Maybe tuck Monday and Friday, then full body lifting on Wednesday
Day one: Aerobic Capacity (Tire Drags)
Day Two: General strength - squats, presses, lunges,Pulls, hinge type movements
Day Three: Aerobic Capacity (cycling, running, rucking)

Free program here from Exo Mtn Gear - written by us.
For me endurance is more important than strength...in August I can shoot from 4am to midnight in the Alaska mountains. I don't lift anymore. I backpack with a 50-lb pack in the hills year round 3-5 days per week and hiking without a pack at twice that distance at least twice a week, gradually lengthening hikes as the days get longer.
Running used to be my daily morning routine, for the past decade, its been backpacking even at -25 degrees F.

For me, I need long distance hikes twice a week, year round (I'm 63 years old)

I am fortunate that I can do this because it takes time...by July I am hiking 10-12 hours in the mountains, twice a week. Lifting will not condition my feet, break in my boots, or allow me to fine tune my backpacks. Plus I enjoy backpacking year round, and if I enjoy it I am more likely to do it....

I realize that many hunters do not have easy access to hills and mountains, so realize I am blessed from that perspective.
I run every chance I get now, even though I hate it! I'm in the same boat and usually only have 3 days a week I can plan on working out for a decent amount of time, 4 days if I'm lucky. Three days a week I do 30-60 mins weights at the gym followed by 20-30 minutes on the stair stepper. Then the second I see I'm not needed for 20-30 minutes at home, I'm out the door going for run! I used to make a lot of excuses for not having enough time for stuff like that in the past, but they were just excuses.
There are a bunch of 5/3/1 2 day templates you can run if you want to keep weightlifting a part of your workouts. Also new baby just means you’ll have to take those rare times they’re asleep to throw the pack on and get 10-30 minutes in walking around the neighborhood. You can also get yourself a sled, some plates and run it in your drive way for cardio. It wont prep you for weight on your back but it will certainly get your endurance up.
IF (luckily I don't have to :)) I had to limit the number of workouts to just three- Monday I would hike w/ pack (increasing weight slowly) for an hour and increasing the time/distance; Wednesday I would strength train and hit squats/deadlifts/bench/overhead press- 3 sets each, reps between 5 and 1 (probably would still follow Wendler 5//5/5+ week one, 3/3/3+ week two, 5/3/1+ week three, reload week 4), Friday would look just like Monday :)

Congrats on the upcoming new addition!
IF (luckily I don't have to :)) I had to limit the number of workouts to just three- Monday I would hike w/ pack (increasing weight slowly) for an hour and increasing the time/distance; Wednesday I would strength train and hit squats/deadlifts/bench/overhead press- 3 sets each, reps between 5 and 1 (probably would still follow Wendler 5//5/5+ week one, 3/3/3+ week two, 5/3/1+ week three, reload week 4), Friday would look just like Monday :)

Congrats on the upcoming new addition!

Good post, thankfully I don't have to limit it to just 3 workouts. But, you pretty much nailed what I would do and suggest as well!
Me and my wife are about 3 weeks away from our first. My plan is more shorter workouts, focusing on whole body movements and then 30 minutes run at some point during the day. I think those will be able to squeeze in during naps better.
The gym helps a tiny tiny bit (and I’m a fan of lifting) but ain’t nothin guna prepare you for hiking but hiking... make sure your boots fit PERFECT and spend the extra $ on good socks.. Iv lately realized how much good socks help. Hurts to spend $25+ on socks but worth every penny.