3 bodies found in Colorado NF

It doesn't say that they were identified yet. It however did say that next of kin was not yet notified; could that be because they have yet to identify them. Perhaps they cannot yet link a missing oersons report to them due to not identifying them yet? I think its obvious no one reasonably close reported 3 people missing. What I do find odd is there is not a mention of a vehicle.
Lots of squatters on public land. The new hippie trend for rainbow family and the “un housed” look at Portland for people living outside.

No one is going to report a homeless person as missing, they have been off the radar for a while. How many homeless have you seen with a car?
Lots of squatters on public land. The new hippie trend for rainbow family and the “un housed” look at Portland for people living outside.

No one is going to report a homeless person as missing, they have been off the radar for a while. How many homeless have you seen with a car?
Here we have plenty of homeless, I'd estimate 50% have some type of transportation. It could be that they were homeless, but based on the article, that is just an assumption, not a presumption.
Interesting. I would guess it was homeless people or some people trying to do some “alone” survival stuff and died. Be curious thou if they are something poisonous or were in drugs or something. Seems weird
The article was vague, but I’d like see a pin on where they were camped/died.

Were they close to a road? City? Trailhead?

The article says remote, but one man’s remote is different from the other. A co-worker told me he went on a remote camping trip a couple weeks ago. I asked to see his location as he was fairly green in the camping experience. I zoomed out and saw a main FS road apprx 3/4 of a mile. 😎
Hrmm... be kinda sad IF the reason was some "party favors" they had might have had Fentanyl added into them. It's my understanding that lotta Cartel producers cut in Fentanyl into all kindsa stuff because apparently it's not as expensive as some other things to make it. So they can create more product to sell, at a lower cost, with the possibility of the end users thinking it's "even better" then before.

Something similar to watchout for like this is with "Yay" (Cocaine)... what's something to watchout for.. is that they often tend to cut it with Speed. Since the Speed is way cheaper to produce, and again, they add it into the more expensive item to buy, to create more total product, makes total business sense.

And Speed is the freaking Devil! Don't ever mess with speed, your heart will thank you. Yay itself isn't that bad, as long as the idiot user follows rules and doesn't "chase the high".
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People go missing sometimes in the wilderness around where I live. I believe they get turned around and do circles until it's too late.
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“You guys stay here and forage for berries…..wait to hunt for big game until I get back with your tags….it’s currently an OTC unit that may go to a draw - but no worries - you should all get a tag this year with the numerous CO preference points you have saved up……just wait here until I get back, ok?……”
They definitely weren't non-resident youth or they would have drawn tags in the Secondary Draw.
I did a backpacking trip in CO a few years back and we spotted a backpack and gear a ways off the trail. After inspection it looked like it had been out in the elements through the winter. We didn't find any ID and left it where it was. We reported the location to law enforcement when we got back and never heard any follow up. I have to say it was spooky looking around the area half expecting to find a dead body.
The article was vague, but I’d like see a pin on where they were camped/died.

Were they close to a road? City? Trailhead?

The article says remote, but one man’s remote is different from the other. A co-worker told me he went on a remote camping trip a couple weeks ago. I asked to see his location as he was fairly green in the camping experience. I zoomed out and saw a main FS road apprx 3/4 of a mile. 😎
Article I saw said they were in dark timber and you couldn’t see it from the road. So I’m guessing they weren’t too far from a road. Not “remote” like I think remote means
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Article I saw said they were in dark timber and you couldn’t see it from the road. So I’m guessing they weren’t too far from a road. Not “remote” like I think remote means
True but in the winter that road is not plowed. So there would be no way of getting in or out without a snowmachine.
You got to know what the hell you`re doing out there. Kinda reminds me of the book Into The Wild. Those aren`t the kinds of places where you decide one day, " Let`s go camping! ".
Now that you mention it, it does feel a lot like Into The Wild.