3 blade broadhead recommendations


Jun 18, 2021
I’m looking for a 3 blade broadhead for this upcoming season. What’s everyone using?
I like the vpa three blade a lot.
Cutthroat has good looking one but I've never tried it. Screenshot_20240125-112914_Photos.jpg


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I am a fan of the cutthroat 3 blades.

Compact, fly well, easy to sharpen, extremely durable, and RMS gear is a good shop to support. They are a bit more expensive than something like a G5 Montec but I think the durability/quality makes up for it.

I went all the way through a bull on a fairly long frontal shot this year and my arrow was roughly halfway (15-16") into the dirt below him.


Entrance by the nock, arrow shows the approximate path it took before coming out his belly just in front of his back legs

Edit - Realized this is in the traditional forum. I am also shooting cutthroats with my recurve but haven't shot any animals yet. I can say they are very durable and I've thoroughly tested that by shooting them into a variety of mediums in the general region of my target (dirt, grass, metal table legs, etc.)...
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Another vote for the cutthroat 3 blades here. Easy to sharpen and built like a brick sh*ithouse.
7yd shot, didn’t get to full draw. 50lb recurve, 600gr arrow, poked 2 holes, fletch hung up in the cavity. Died in sight 30yds away.


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both of my deer last season were shot with 3 blades. An original Woodsman and the other with the 160gr VPA- both on wood shafts. I’ve heard others complain about the Woodsman’s whistling, I never had that problem but I’m shooting longbows that are pretty slow so maybe that’s why. I really like the simplicity of sharpening them—just lay them flat on a stone or file. I don’t think you can do that with a concave design like the Cutthroats.
All I shoot is the 250 grain vpa 1 1/8. Dozens of critters with then and almost always a pass through. They are bomb proof, hold a great edge and super easy to sharpen with just a file and piece of leather.
May I ask what kind of draw weights and lengths people are using to push these 3 blades through animals? I constantly read about a sharp 2 blade head for traditional archery and this is counter to that. I'm all about doing what you want for yourself so I'm just curious what people are shooting with these heads. Thanks.
May I ask what kind of draw weights and lengths people are using to push these 3 blades through animals? I constantly read about a sharp 2 blade head for traditional archery and this is counter to that. I'm all about doing what you want for yourself so I'm just curious what people are shooting with these heads. Thanks.
The elk I shot in the photos above were with my 64” satori, uukah saiga 50lb limbs. Draw length of 28.5”, 600gr arrow.
The bull was at 7yds but I also didn’t get to full draw so I’m pretty impressed that I got 2 holes.
May I ask what kind of draw weights and lengths people are using to push these 3 blades through animals? I constantly read about a sharp 2 blade head for traditional archery and this is counter to that. I'm all about doing what you want for yourself so I'm just curious what people are shooting with these heads. Thanks.
I shot a decent sized Kansas buck with a 40# recurve, 440g-ish arrow and a big Snuffer 3 blade….went through that buck so fast it was crazy.

Cut on contact heads are a total game changer….they blow through everything effortlessly- heavy, light….no big deal the COC heads are penetrating monsters.
May I ask what kind of draw weights and lengths people are using to push these 3 blades through animals? I constantly read about a sharp 2 blade head for traditional archery and this is counter to that. I'm all about doing what you want for yourself so I'm just curious what people are shooting with these heads. Thanks.
I think trad lab found shooter form, bow and arrow tune, Broadhead sharpness all more important than Broadhead design.

I got my elk this year with a VPA. One went through and lodged into the opposite shoulder blade. Needed pliers to pull it out.
I suck at sharpeningand love being able to run these on sharpening wheels.
Another vote for VPAs, although plenty of options are just as good. I shoot them out of a 46 pound recurve and had one blow through a pig a few years ago. My brother has put a couple through deer with an even lighter bow