3 blade broadhead recommendations

I think most people know the answer to this is the exodus hands down but it's been around so long folks are bored with it. You literally can't find a test where that head doesn't place in the top 3.
I think most people know the answer to this is the exodus hands down but it's been around so long folks are bored with it. You literally can't find a test where that head doesn't place in the top 3.
The weight options seem pretty limited and I prefer something without replaceable blades
The weight options seem pretty limited and I prefer something without replaceable blades
You can literally shoot these through sheet metal and not damage a blade, they will stick into bricks, blow though shoulders, and at the end of the year you swap in new blades. Inserts solve weight issues also.
Laugh if you will but I’ve been using the 2 blade in 420 steel off Amazon and Ebay, 12 for $20

I have to hone them a little before using to get them shaving sharp… 8 of 10 spin true without jiggering ( all spin but sometimes I have to play with them) and they work as well as any of the high dollar heads I’ve used.

IME, The design and blade angle of these mitigates any need for super steel, not much hair, hide contact and they have all been sharp through critters excepting in cases where they hit the shoulder bone.
That hasn’t been the case IME with the short wide heads like Exodus or ST Mags that chop their way in.

Plus, I can reuse them keeping my bh cost to almost nothing.
To answer the OP. I use VPA have not tried the cutthroat. As stated above a three blade 3:1 or close to that advantage sharpen easily

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I am a fan of the cutthroat 3 blades.

Compact, fly well, easy to sharpen, extremely durable, and RMS gear is a good shop to support. They are a bit more expensive than something like a G5 Montec but I think the durability/quality makes up for it.

I went all the way through a bull on a fairly long frontal shot this year and my arrow was roughly halfway (15-16") into the dirt below him.


Entrance by the nock, arrow shows the approximate path it took before coming out his belly just in front of his back legs

Edit - Realized this is in the traditional forum. I am also shooting cutthroats with my recurve but haven't shot any animals yet. I can say they are very durable and I've thoroughly tested that by shooting them into a variety of mediums in the general region of my target (dirt, grass, metal table legs, etc.)...
Ok I want the enitre story, set up of equipment, etc please!
Ok I want the enitre story, set up of equipment, etc please!

PSE EVL 34 at 68lbs with a 520gr ish arrow. Roughly 260fps based on a chronograph. What I didn't account for at the shot was that he was below me. He slowly walked off and bedded within about 100-150 yards.

I sharpen them with a file and then hit them with a ceramic rod a few times. It took me a few times to get the hang of it but it is fast and easy and they do get sharp.

Hopefully this year I can put one through an elk with the recurve. I'd expect similar results as I'll have an even heavier arrow and also be closer.
I think trad lab found shooter form, bow and arrow tune, Broadhead sharpness all more important than Broadhead design.

I got my elk this year with a VPA. One went through and lodged into the opposite shoulder blade. Needed pliers to pull it out.
I suck at sharpeningand love being able to run these on sharpening wheels.
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what was your bow set up? thanks
Reflex deflex bow my buddy made me. About #50@30". Shooting s black eagle instinct 32" arrow with an 130 grain ethics insert and a 125 vpa. About a 580 grain arrow
Awesome thank you for your reply.I shoot a Toelke whip and its 48# at 28 draw but I pull around 29 so around 50# total. Im hoping this will be enough for elk this upcoming year.
Awesome thank you for your reply.I shoot a Toelke whip and its 48# at 28 draw but I pull around 29 so around 50# total. Im hoping this will be enough for elk this upcoming year.
I actually bought a toelke whip to compare to mine, same draw weight it was maybe 4 fps faster.

My bow is slow but the trajectory works in my head and the 33 yard point on is great.
I only have a 25.5-26 inch draw and will chase elk and mulies with my 50lb at 26 stalker coyote with a 500 grain arrow and the vpa 1 1/8. I know most guys say you need higher draw weight and arrow weight but I’ve yet to have an issue, knock on wood.
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Valkyrie is my favorite, really hold an edge and are scary sharp out of the box, but are a total PITA to resharpen and you need to buy there sharpening wheel system to get them back scary sharp in a reasonable amount of time, but there sharpening system works amazing on any 3 blade. Second choice is vpa and they are really good it seems but I haven't actually shot anything with them but they fly great and hold an edge well
The blood eagles are a fantastic head. Scary sharp, fly great. That being said they are not cheap but a great design and worth it imo.