25 Caliber Cartridge with cartridge head stamped brass?


Jun 5, 2018
First, I am aware that head stamped 25 CM and 25 SST brass can be obtained. My problem is that I would prefer to build a 25 PRC or 25-284 and that I need cartridge head stamped brass so I can take the rifle into and hunt in Mexico.

Does anyone know if there are plans from Hornady to create a 25 PRC, or if a brass maker intends to build 25 PRC or 25-284 brass?
I need cartridge head stamped brass so I can take the rifle into and hunt in Mexico.
I’m assuming they want to make sure the brass and rifle are the same cartridge? How does this work if the barrel isn’t engraved with the cartridge?

Also- it looks like there used to be a company called quality cartridges that made headstamped 25-284 brass but it seems to be discontinued.
First, I am aware that head stamped 25 CM and 25 SST brass can be obtained. My problem is that I would prefer to build a 25 PRC or 25-284 and that I need cartridge head stamped brass so I can take the rifle into and hunt in Mexico.

Does anyone know if there are plans from Hornady to create a 25 PRC, or if a brass maker intends to build 25 PRC or 25-284 brass?
Wouldn’t be too hard to remove the current stamp and laser a new stamp on it. Wouldn’t want to do 100, but 20 should not take long. I expect a local trophy shop should have a laser engraver. My last job had one, easy to engrave anything metal.
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I’m assuming they want to make sure the brass and rifle are the same cartridge? How does this work if the barrel isn’t engraved with the cartridge?

Also- it looks like there used to be a company called quality cartridges that made headstamped 25-284 brass but it seems to be discontinued.
Yes, they check ammo headstamp against barrel engraving against the Rifle Permit information, which includes make, model, cartridge and serial number on the rifle. I don't know what they would do if there was no caliber engraving on the rifle barrel. I do know that our outfitter had to pay a shakedown fee of $700 to avoid being arrested because a hunter messed up his serial number on the Rifle Permit.
It would probably be cheaper and easier to just not take a Wildcat to Mexico. Maybe just buy a rifle in a supported cartridge for hunting down there. Save a headache.

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At a glance it seems the easy option to achieve your goal would require a long action. The 25-06 or .257 Weatherby, it seems like the easiest way to achieve your higher velocity .25 cal and head stamped brass.
I know a group of friends that got starline to do a custom headstamp for them but how large of a lot they ordered I have no idea. And you'd probably have to either neck up or down a cartridge they do manufacture.
Just have your barrel temporary marked for the headstamped brass when you go. I doubt they will measure it. If the barrel and brass say 6.5 SAUM they won't know the difference.

That is what I would do.

Or, you could just get something that is readily available, such as a 6.5PRC and be done with it.
That is what I would do.

Or, you could just get something that is readily available, such as a 6.5PRC and be done with it.

I have 2 6.5 PRCs, but want to turn one of them into a 25 PRC, so it seems I'll either have to keep bringing the 6.5 PRC to Mexico (which has worked great) or go the 25 Creedmoor route, because I am not interested in a 25 SST or any of the other headstamped options, or just keep waiting for 25 PRC brass.

For those with the 25 Creedmoor, is 3000 fps obtainable with the 134 grain ELD-M out of a 22 inch barrel?
I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and I was thinking of how to laser engrave 25- in front of 6.5prc on my brass. Then engrave the barrel 25-6.5prc instead of just 25prc. Not sure how I would be able to laser engrave the brass or if that would suffice.
I have 2 6.5 PRCs, but want to turn one of them into a 25 PRC, so it seems I'll either have to keep bringing the 6.5 PRC to Mexico (which has worked great) or go the 25 Creedmoor route, because I am not interested in a 25 SST or any of the other headstamped options, or just keep waiting for 25 PRC brass.

For those with the 25 Creedmoor, is 3000 fps obtainable with the 134 grain ELD-M out of a 22 inch barrel?
The 25 creed data I have seen is people getting high 2900’s with 133, 135 Bergers out of 26” barrels. I don’t think 3k out of a 22” is doable.
I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and I was thinking of how to laser engrave 25- in front of 6.5prc on my brass. Then engrave the barrel 25-6.5prc instead of just 25prc. Not sure how I would be able to laser engrave the brass or if that would suffice.
just need someone with a laser marker. I would start by calling local trophy shops. They either laser or engrave metal all the time.
I was thinking about this a few weeks ago and I was thinking of how to laser engrave 25- in front of 6.5prc on my brass. Then engrave the barrel 25-6.5prc instead of just 25prc. Not sure how I would be able to laser engrave the brass or if that would suffice.
If you come up with someone willing to do it in the Phoenix area, let me know.
Just have your barrel temporary marked for the headstamped brass when you go. I doubt they will measure it. If the barrel and brass say 6.5 SAUM they won't know the difference.

Not sure using a wildcat cartridge is worth the risk of a Mexican jail/prison. @@ around and find out.
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