.243 Win Powders


Nov 24, 2021
Overland Park, KS
I am currently obsessed with the .243 Winchester. I am on the search for powders to do some reloading for it. I am looking at reloading 90 to 100 grain bullets. What powders have folks used in this weight bullets and found satisfactory results? Thanks.
Varget, IMR 4831, 4895 and H4895
4831 has been the family standard in this cartridge with 80 and 100 grainers.
IMR 4895 is being used for 60 grain HPs as a varmint load. Accurate but yet to shoot anything bigger than a raccoon.
Varget is another in the testing stages but so far the accuracy is good. My thought is to move to an accubond with this powder
Finally, H4895 for reduced recoil loads with 95 gr. SST. Good enough accuracy and it does kill deer inside of 150 yards very effectively.
Similar to Bearlodge10. H4831 was originally used for my mom’s 243 in the early 70s. I switched bullets, but still shoot 4831 in the same rifle to this day. My boys both killed their first deer with it several years back. Definitely works.

If I were getting started into reloading for a 243 now and wasn’t already set up with components, I would try Varget and H4350.
With the scarcity of varget and h4350 you might give ramshot magnum a try. I’ve had good results in the 95-100 grain bullet weights and it’s a little easier to find. Nosler reloading manual has some info for it. So does the western powders free online pdf.

I’ve also had good results with imr 4350.
I have used h4831, h4350, h1000, and lately ramshot hunter. All with 95 and 100 grn. and in 4 different rifles with no real difference in accuracy. Nothing chronographed though...
Win 760

Was looking at my log book last night and these are the approximate numbers I remember:
  • 2,950 with 100 gr Sierra P-H, best shooter of the bunch, 1 inch or less at 200.
  • 3,050 w Sierra tipped game king, very best group I could get is 2 inches at 100, not good for my rifle
  • 3,050-3,100 w Nosler Partition 95 gr, 1.25 inch load at 100
  • 2,900 w Nosler Partition 100 gr, 1.25 inch load at 100, dad got 30 inches of penetration on a frontal shot at 125 yards in 2020 with this load - it blew out all the ribs on the right side of the deer, bruised a bit of the shoulder meat (just by going by on the inside) and ended up in the left ham - smaller buck. Was surprised at the mess it made.
Roughly between 40 and 42 gr.
Velocity variations for 5 shot strings run 35 to 70 fps for those bullets and loads.
Using Caldwell Chrono.

Was just getting going with my .243 load work when the shortage happened and it was like overnight everything disappeared.

Deciding to try the 100 gr interlocks and see how they shoot.
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I don't have a .243 but my 6mm Rem is a virtual twin. I use IMR 7828ssc with 100 gr Sierra Gamekings in my Browning B78 and get 1/2 MOA 5 shot groups at 100 yds.
StaBall 6.5 is a heck of a powder for 90 and 100 grain bullet weights. I'm basing that on Hodgdon load data. No powder with 90 grain bullets does close to better, it's the second fastest with a deficit of 40 fps with 100 grain bullet vs any other powder they list for the 243, which there are many.
StaBall 6.5 is a heck of a powder for 90 and 100 grain bullet weights. I'm basing that on Hodgdon load data. No powder with 90 grain bullets does close to better, it's the second fastest with a deficit of 40 fps with 100 grain bullet vs any other powder they list for the 243, which there are many.
Speed isn’t accuracy tho. Basing that simply from a book, and not actual experience is kinda pointless
It doesn't seem there's any experience from his end of things with a powder either, I'm offering up something I'd start with. I count at least 11 powders guys have mentioned so far, pick one. Every gun is a rule into itself, what works for someone else may or may not work for another person. Take it or leave it I guess.
It doesn't seem there's any experience from his end of things with a powder either, I'm offering up something I'd start with. I count at least 11 powders guys have mentioned so far, pick one. Every gun is a rule into itself, what works for someone else may or may not work for another person. Take it or leave it I guess.
My experiences. 38.5 gr with an 85gr Sierra gameking.
Looks like it works well for you, can't argue with that. IMR 4064 isn't near the ideal burn rate for a 243 however. If I was starting out I would take a look at some data and not leave 200 to 300 FPS on the table. No guarantee 4064 will work any better in his gun than any other powder, thus I mentioned something no one else has mentioned. Regardless of whether I've used it or not, it's a suggestion and nothing more than that.
I'll post up 42 grains of IMR 4350 behind 100 grain Speer Grand Slam developed years ago, good for 2955 FPS. And it fits the request for 90 or 100 grain bullets. Now, I can sit up straight at the dinner table and offer suggestions.
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I am currently obsessed with the .243 Winchester. I am on the search for powders to do some reloading for it. I am looking at reloading 90 to 100 grain bullets. What powders have folks used in this weight bullets and found satisfactory results? Thanks.
H4350, if you can find it, has produced sub 1/2 MOA groups in a Tikka .243 for me with several bullets.