.243 Win Powders

I have tried several different powders over the years but find it difficult to top the results from H4350. Unfortunately, H4350 is one of those unicorn powders that is difficult to find.
100 grain Hornady Interlock BTSP's routinely cloverleafed for me. They were insanely accurate in that gun over H4350. Great deer killers too. Others I tried were 90 gn Nosler Ballistic Tips and 95 grain SST's.
I am currently obsessed with the .243 Winchester. I am on the search for powders to do some reloading for it. I am looking at reloading 90 to 100 grain bullets. What powders have folks used in this weight bullets and found satisfactory results? Thanks.
I use Hodgdon Hybrid 100V in the .243 with 95 grain Berger Classic hunters at 3100 fps.
Justin, how has this bullet performed for you on deer/antelope sized game? And at what ranges have you shot them at?
That bullet has performed perfectly. My son has used that rifle/load for mule deer and whitetails and had great results from 170 yards to 525 yards.

His first buck at 9 years old. Standing, quartered away at 525 yards. He clipped the hindquarter on the way in and the buck dropped. It didn't go anywhere and it was down when we got to it but still alive so a follow-up shot was needed.


This whitetail was bedded broadside and never got up. I can't remember the yardage for sure but I believe it was around 300 yards or so.


This buck was broadside at 350 yards. He shot it through the heart and it ran about 25 yards before dropping.

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I'm in the process of load workup for my son's .243. Its a Remington ADL with an 18" barrel so I don't have a lot of hope for great velocity. That said I need unleaded projectile's here and I found some Hornady CX 90 grain and am using H4350, just hoping I have enough twist to stabilize as those suckers are LONG! They recommend 1-8 and Remington is 1-9 so we'll see.
I loaded up some 80 gr TTSX on top of some Superformance. I have no idea of the velocity, I settled on the most accurate one. It did the trick for my 12 year old daughter this last fall.
One thing I’ve found with 243 is that it acts like two different cartridges when it comes to component selection. I expected it to respond well with the typical powders used in 308 based cases. This works for lighter bullet weights, but the heavier bullets seem to do better with powders that are slower than you’d think for a smaller cartridge.
H4350 with a 90gr nosler ballistic tip. Just make sure your barrel twist will stabilize the bullet you select.

But can't go wrong with h4350 or h100v
I loaded some 100 gr Hornady btsp with 38 GR of H 414 tonight gonna try and get to the range this weekend and try them out. Has anyone else tried this powder and if so how did it work out. Shooting a Ruger American with 22 inch barrel.
I'm in the process of load workup for my son's .243. Its a Remington ADL with an 18" barrel so I don't have a lot of hope for great velocity. That said I need unleaded projectile's here and I found some Hornady CX 90 grain and am using H4350, just hoping I have enough twist to stabilize as those suckers are LONG! They recommend 1-8 and Remington is 1-9 so we'll see.
So here’s the results, won’t stabilize the 90 grain CX, entered target sideways at 25 yards. At 100 yards I missed the target and hit the 2x4 frame, I looked at the back of my 16” fir backstop I see the BASE of the bullet protruding out the back! Apparently it went through the 2x4 point first and turned 90 degrees in the punky fir round and stopped with the end poking out.


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Well you found out what you need to know. Bummer they won't stabilize, maybe drop down another weight to get the length stabilized. I believe they offer it in an 80 grain factory load, is that a component bullet as well? I haven't seen many targets posted up with that level of keyholing and finding one in the wood frame!