243 for Bear????

I'll be that guy...
An adjustable wrench will work removing some bolts, but then you get that tough one and round the head, then the hard work begins. There are better tools to remove bolts, and there are better tools for taking a bear than the .243.

I love the 243 and own one myself. It has its place in the pecking order.

Will it kill a bear? Sure. During the great depression my late Great Uncle killed one with a .22 LR with one shot. I don't think there would be much argument for .22 LR being the best bear rifle.

At some point ethics needs to trump want to. Use a gun that will ethically kill the animal if the shot isn't perfect. I think even the 7mm-08 would be a far better choice in a pretty soft recoiling rifle than the .243.
Yardage also plays a role into its effectiveness. Under 100 yards with a good bullet I wouldn't think twice. 3-500 then I even question whether my 260 would be adequate.
My kids have shot black bears, moose, caribou, deer and antelope with a .243 all without issue. I might have to name it the Crescent Wrench now. They can handle the recoil and it seems to be plenty for a black bear.
My kids have shot black bears, moose, caribou, deer and antelope with a .243 all without issue. I might have to name it the Crescent Wrench now. They can handle the recoil and it seems to be plenty for a black bear.
Are you saying .243 is the best bear rifle? If I ever decide to hunt black bear I think I will use my 6mm ARC.
I'll report at the end of May when my buddy and I get back from our bear hunt. He will be using a 95 grain berger classic hunter from a 243 and I will be using a 133 grain berger elite hunter from a 25-284. The other two jo8ning us will both be using 300 win mags in the 180-200 grain range. If I remember I'll post pics of the aftermath and see if anyone can point out which bear was shot by what!
On a management hunt i saw 4 black bears taken with a 220 swift. Plug em behind the ear like you would a coyote with a 22lr. (made 4000$ selling 22lr headshotted coyote pelts.)
Are you saying .243 is the best bear rifle? If I ever decide to hunt black bear I think I will use my 6mm ARC.
No, I do not think it is the best bear rifle and am not sure if there is such a thing. The question asked was if it was a poor choice which I don't think it is. Ethically I don't have a problem with it. Black bears are not hard to kill and and thinner skinned than a deer.
@ORJoe Custom stock?
Boyd's gunstocks
Bought the barreled action from Brownells and the stock from Boyds. Little bit of righty-tighty and I declared myself a gun builder.
It was a 6.5 Grendel to start with and I wasn't happy with the accuracy. Got a Shilen 6mm blank a few years ago planning to change it to 6 Grendel, when 6 Arc came out that month and I went that direction.
Nice. will get a Boyds varminter for my '06 one of these days... If only i wasn't so poor 😒

22 lr, 700 NE, and paring knife are the best bear weapons ever made b.t.w. That paring knife is perfect for long range shooting at around 500-1000 yds. Put a Boyds custom handle on mine. 22 lr ammo box for when that bear gets to close to camp, just throw the box in the fire and that thing will be gone (might want to wear a hard hat or something). The nirto express is good for clocking him on the head. (y)
Anyone else get tired of the fretting over cartridge choice? I am/have been guilty of it too. Something to be said about grabbing your gun and going hunting. I've dropped caribou with 65 grains from a 224 and I've watched shoulder shot bears shrug off 212 grains from fast 30s. Send some lead into those vitals with any centerfire cartridge going fast enough and pack that sucker out. I still got love for magnums but I'll be damned if I can't shoot standard cartridges much better.
The bears we have killed with 243 were using 100grn interlocks and 100grn gamekings. The gamekings were slightly more destructive, and still had exits. 50-60 yards. Those bears died basically just as fast as the bears shot with 130 interlocks in the 270, or 165 interlock in the 3006.

The slowest deaths I have seen have been with "good" bullets, accubonds, ttsx.
The bears we have killed with 243 were using 100grn interlocks and 100grn gamekings. The gamekings were slightly more destructive, and still had exits. 50-60 yards. Those bears died basically just as fast as the bears shot with 130 interlocks in the 270, or 165 interlock in the 3006.

The slowest deaths I have seen have been with "good" bullets, accubonds, ttsx.
I have witnessed the same...almost like bonded and monos don't make as big of wound channels and takes longer for the animal to expire...crazy. I think someone has been telling us this all along...
Are you spot and stalk our bait hunting. that impacts bullet choice