.224 77 TMK v 77 SMK

Feb 9, 2023
Eastern WA
Apologies if this has already been addressed elsewhere. Why are the 77 TMK far more revered over the 77 SMK? Specifically for hunting purposes but non hunting reasons would be interesting too. Been wanting to try the 77 TMK but they are so rare. But I see the 77 SMK often.
Dec 23, 2020
The SMK was one of the first match bullets used for hunting before there were other options on the market. The SMK generally gives variable performance on game. Sometimes the SMK expand well and kill quickly. Other times they do not expand and so act more like an FMJ, producing minimal wound channels.

Since the introduction of tipped bullets such as the ELD-M and the TMK, the SMK rarely gets used for hunting due to the inconsistency issues. The TMK is regarded by many of those that hunt with "match" bullets as providing the best terminal performance out of the options available.
Mar 27, 2019
Lyon County, NV
The tips in tipped bullets are also designed to act like a plunger - the area below them under the copper will have varying amounts of empty space above the lead, depending on a given companys design. When the bullet hits the animal the tip gets smashed back on the copper with nothing underneath supporting it for a short distance. That helps ensure rapid and thorough disruption of the rest of the bullet as it goes through the animal.

Open-tipped match bullets are a bit more hit-or-miss on how consistently they open - the tip isn't as much of a "hollow point" as you find in pistol bullets, as it's usually just a tiny opening in the tip, so they can be a bit more finicky in actually opening up, how much, and how fast. It's not black-and-white, good/not good, but the tipped do work better.
Mar 28, 2020
The tips on MK bullets often don’t even open up at all, very often the bullet will yaw and cause massive damage due to it tumbling, and at other times it will just pencil through
Feb 9, 2023
Eastern WA
Thanks for the replies! My understanding was tipped "hunting" bullets came into popularity because the effect they have at opening the bullet and not due to any BC gains. In fact I've heard that ballistic tipped bullets hurt BC or at least consistency.

Taking that in mind, Is it fair to say the TMK was specifically designed at being a "hybrid" match/hunting bullets? Doesn't appear as any other bullet makers offer a hybrid of this kind.