My wife is starting to get more into hunting; but she’s only ever crossbow hunted. She’s only shot my .308 and .22 LR. So for our anniversary I’m going to surprise her with dinner and well... a hunting rifle. She says the .308 is to much for her and I’m wondering what y’all think of getting her a .223 or a .243? What’s your experience with both and what would you recommend?
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That’s a great anniversary gift! I shoot everything with a 223. Gasp. I have hunted and killed with a 6.5 cm and a 308. I prefer to carry my 223. I got my first bear with the 223.
It definitely matters what ammo you shoot. If you reload, 77gr TMK are nasty. If you don’t reload, 62gr federal fusions or 75 gr Speer gold dots are pretty good too. So far this year I’ve gotten an antelope and a bear. Last year I got two antelope and a whitetail, the year before I got a big buck. My point is, I’ve shot multiple animals with a 223 way past 150 yds.
I wouldn’t get her a cheap rifle, even if it is “accurate enough”. Not saying you have to buy the most expensive thing ever, but invest in something that is enjoyable to shoot, not something that she’s going to be fighting with or that’s throw away-ie cheap junk. A smooth bolt action and easy chambering are important to women, and new shooters. It gets frustrating when you are trying to run the bolt and it gets bound up or feels crunchy. I know I also favor detachable magazines compared to internal magazines.
The Weatherby Camilla does feel great when you pick it up and put it to your shoulder. However the stock design encourages the very thing many women want to reduce-recoil. The stock slopes downward so when the Gun goes bang the barrel rises up and the stock does down which equals increase in perceived recoil. My suggestion would be a Tikka Compact fast twist(1/8”) 223.
Sorry fellas. Bigger isn’t always better.
This years antelope with 77gr.
This years bear with 77gr.