.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Do the Non-tipped 77 SMKs perform the same as the Tipped 77 SMKs when it comes to terminal damage ? I read through the thread, forgive me if this question has already been discussed and I missed it . Thanks
So my fall with the tmk is over. I was hesitant, but everything outlined in this thread has rang true as far as how the 77tmk preforms. I’ll continue using them. Sucks they are .30 cents a pop but I’ll still keep a thousand on hand.

Only hang up I have going forward is on windy hunts where longer shots are likely I’ll probably carry the creedmoor. But for back home for the foreseeable future I’ll keep running the 77 tmk. Performance was as good or better than everything Iv ever shot deer with.
Do the Non-tipped 77 SMKs perform the same as the Tipped 77 SMKs when it comes to terminal damage ? I read through the thread, forgive me if this question has already been discussed and I missed it . Thanks
Not even close. They are yaw dependent (don't fragment nearly as consistently as the TMK), don't start fragging until several inches in, don't expand, have a lower ballistic coefficient, higher fragmentation velocity threshold, and fragment less overall. They are worse in every way except price and maybe precision. 77gr OTM will still get the job done, but the TMK is a far superior bullet.
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Not even close. They are yaw dependent (don't fragment nearly as consistently as the TMK), don't start fragging until several inches in, don't expand, have a lower ballistic coefficient, higher fragmentation velocity threshold, and fragment less overall. They are worse in every way except price and maybe precision. 77gr OTM will still get the job done, but the TMK is a far superior bullet.

This is how bullets should be talked about.
Over the last year or so my EXwife has had the good fortune to be included in numerous opportunities to train and develop her riflemanship and outdoor skills. We’ve been blessed with good friends who’ve fostered this evolution and continuing journey and are extremely grateful for these opportunities and relationships as they all had a direct influence on the outcome of her bull moose hunt.875EE8F4-5B68-4838-AA5F-1910A3E0969F.jpeg
77 TMK 168yds
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