I've been reading through a lot of this thread and it's been informative to say the least.
First time posting and to give some background I've been mostly shooting the .284s (7SAUM/PRC, etc) and 30cals (308, 300WM) to most recently a 300wsm shooting 180CXs pretty hot. It worked fine on a longe range deer (easy track job in snow), but I lost a spring bear. Pretty confident it died, just no blood and a grid search couldn't find it. Switched to a 212 ELDX at 2850fps and that put a bear down DRT and made a pretty big hole. After reading through this thread, I put together a 22CM shooting 80ELDMs at 3375 fps. This weekend I took a nice 4pt mule deer at 100m.
Bullet entered just behind the shoulder, no obvious entry hole, peeling back the hide there was about a 10" hematoma around about a 1" entry through a rib that was obliterated, the lungs were liquid and the heart lacerated, no exit, did not find the bullet in the soup. Deer buckled, ran about 30 yards and slide down a hill another 50 or so. The tracks were easy to follow in the soft dirt - BUT there was NO blood. Where the deer laid dead, there was blood and he looked like he'd coughed out some of his lungs, but nothing to track.
So, sample size of 1, but what do people think might have happened? Being so close did the bullet have just enough neck length to get into the hide and then massive upset as it went through the ribs, so no exit and the trackable fluids were contained? Just a statistical anomaly?