.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Edit: maybe another question I should ask is, how much is it costing you to reload .223? Is it even worth it for ringing steel at 400 yards? I bought a box of Fiochi 55gr Vmax for 50 rounds for $42. They have 50rnds of FMJ for $37 also.

You can certainly get to where cost per round makes it tough to justify hand loads. I like the ADI stuff through global ordnance personally. https://globalordnance.com/adi-worl...a-blitzking-200-round-case-upc-9332153003173/
AAC has some cheap ammo as well. The ELD and TMKs are nice when you start shooting beyond the 100 or 200 yard line to reduce how much the wind is impacting a guy.
I purchased a Steyr ProHunter III in 223 and I am going to load it with Barnes TTSX 62 grains. I think this will be a good combo for deer. Most of our shots are within 150 yards and typically less than 100.
Hello all,
I have been a long time lurker here and have learned an absolute ton! Thank you for changing the way that I hunt and practice. I figured it was time to join and contribute.
In the past 4 years, my sons and I have killed 4 mule deer does, at ranges varying from 90 to 375 yards, using Tikka Rokslide specials with chopped 18.5” barrels and TBAC Ultra 7 suppressors. Our .223/77 TMK handloads shoot with a muzzle velocity of 2725 fps. Impact velocities have been from 2100 fps (375 yard shot) to 2580 (90 yard shot). The deer either wobbled for a few yards, then collapsed or ran 30 or so yards and collapsed. Very impressive. Last year, my youngest son killed a cow elk at around 250 yards, 2300 impact velocity. One shot and it hunched up and then laid down and expired quickly. I shot my antelope this year with a 18” chopped Tikka rechambered to 22 Creedmoor shooting 88 ELD match bullets at 3050 fps. Distance was 200 yards and was equally impressive. I look forward to being able to continue to contribute and thank you again for the drop tests and helping us change the way we hunt! We have trusted the process. The photos are as follows:
1) Doe shot at 375 yards with right front shoulder removed, with a close up of entrance, which was tucked in the crease.

2) Cow elk and also right front shoulder removed with entrance wound.

3) Buck antelope shot with 22 Creedmoor.
Not sure if posting non hunting related .223 stuff is ok, but here is the result of me zeroing my Factory stock M&P15 today with Fiochi 55gr Vmax and a bullshit Vortex 3x9 Diamondback.

I'm shocked how well this factory gas gun grouped box ammo with what is arguably the worst trigger I've ever felt in my life. Probably 1/8 inch of creep before it breaks. Ill see if I cant put a hole in a coyote this Sunday.

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Does anyone, maybe Form, have data that the 77 OTM is better vs the 75 on deer? Im gonna order a few cases of AAC 77 as it's currently cheaper than the 75.
Does anyone, maybe Form, have data that the 77 OTM is better vs the 75 on deer? Im gonna order a few cases of AAC 77 as it's currently cheaper than the 75.
It's been stated repeatedly that the OTM bullets, specifically Sierras, are inconsistent in their upset. They might be devastating, or they might pencil through. If that's all you have, maybe aim for neck or shoulder to increase the chances of frag/upset or at least immobilization.