.223 for bear, mountain goat, deer, elk, and moose.

Tonight’s victim was the one on the far right in this pic of 7 baldies.

My shot wasn’t the best. I used a 10.5” AR that I built for a friend a while back and worked up a load with the 60gr NBT. It shoots well but I didn’t mount the scope far enough forward as I was using a setup I used for my wife’s carbine and had used the same scope when doing a load work up so just set the dials back to what I had wrote down when I took the scope and rise off. By not having the scope far enough forward I truly wasn’t shouldering the gun and it was floating a bit so at the break of the trigger I saw the reticle drop down tad lower than I would have liked as she was walking to my right. Shot was 100 yards slightly downward and doe ran about 100 yards. She hung a hard left and went for the woods out of view from me, I thought she would be on the edge of the cornfield, down in she went to the bottom which is about 200 feet deep. A 4 wheeler and winch was used along with clothesline, yes clothesline, to drag her back out.

100 yard shot and 100 yard run with a low shot but the bullet angled up and broke the offside shoulder, chicken wing style. Can you follow a blood trail?


I wish I had a pic of her stretched out a bit but everything was downhill so wasn’t going to chase her anymore. She was big and chonk, lots of fat, big head.

We have had great success with the 6.5 Grendel in 123 grain Hornady ELD-M on deer.
We have several videos on it including a full necropsy.

We will drop a necropsy of this buck next week. Such a great little round
Would @Formidilosus be willing to offer up bullet suggestions for different calibers? After reading this thread and the 6.5CM elk I’ve realized you have a great amount of valuable information!! I’d like to get a few safe queens dialed in for hunting and would greatly appreciate your input!
I second it.

I see we’re getting away from the original thread intentions. Maybe we need to split this off to a “Form’s Favs” thread!
The two that I would like start hunting with mainly are my 6.5 Grendel and 300 Blackout. Both are on AR platforms. The 300aac would be 0-200 yard and the Grendel I would like to be able to push out to 400. Thank you!
I’ve had great success on midwest whitetails and Florida hogs with the Barnes 110gr Blacktip. Barnes made it specifically for the 300blk’s slower velocity.

Others have had great success with the Hornady SST. While it expands violently at higher speeds, at 300blk velocity it seems to perform like a good whitetail bullet.
We have had great success with the 6.5 Grendel in 123 grain Hornady ELD-M on deer.
We have several videos on it including a full necropsy.

We will drop a necropsy of this buck next week. Such a great little round
Please post these in the .260 on deer, elk thread


170 yards. 77 tmk. Pass through. Major internal damage. First 77 tmk harvest. Thanks gang

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170 yards. 77 tmk. Pass through. Major internal damage. First 77 tmk harvest. Thanks gang

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Could you tell us the rifle ,ammo, caliber specs? I see some guys shooting these from 22 noslers 22-250 and 223 rifles. Maybe get an idea of what to expect from what gun/caliber I’m sure each caliber makes a difference
Could you tell us the rifle ,ammo, caliber specs? I see some guys shooting these from 22 noslers 22-250 and 223 rifles. Maybe get an idea of what to expect from what gun/caliber I’m sure each caliber makes a difference

Yes it is a 223 wylde 20” AR. 24.6 TAC loaded out to 2.290 with metal ASC mags. Muzzle velocity is 2810 ish.


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My tikka superlite is a laser with 75 eldm over h4895. Are the tmks that much better that it's worth trying to find them and work up a new load?