Tonight’s victim was the one on the far right in this pic of 7 baldies.

My shot wasn’t the best. I used a 10.5” AR that I built for a friend a while back and worked up a load with the 60gr NBT. It shoots well but I didn’t mount the scope far enough forward as I was using a setup I used for my wife’s carbine and had used the same scope when doing a load work up so just set the dials back to what I had wrote down when I took the scope and rise off. By not having the scope far enough forward I truly wasn’t shouldering the gun and it was floating a bit so at the break of the trigger I saw the reticle drop down tad lower than I would have liked as she was walking to my right. Shot was 100 yards slightly downward and doe ran about 100 yards. She hung a hard left and went for the woods out of view from me, I thought she would be on the edge of the cornfield, down in she went to the bottom which is about 200 feet deep. A 4 wheeler and winch was used along with clothesline, yes clothesline, to drag her back out.
100 yard shot and 100 yard run with a low shot but the bullet angled up and broke the offside shoulder, chicken wing style. Can you follow a blood trail?

I wish I had a pic of her stretched out a bit but everything was downhill so wasn’t going to chase her anymore. She was big and chonk, lots of fat, big head.

My shot wasn’t the best. I used a 10.5” AR that I built for a friend a while back and worked up a load with the 60gr NBT. It shoots well but I didn’t mount the scope far enough forward as I was using a setup I used for my wife’s carbine and had used the same scope when doing a load work up so just set the dials back to what I had wrote down when I took the scope and rise off. By not having the scope far enough forward I truly wasn’t shouldering the gun and it was floating a bit so at the break of the trigger I saw the reticle drop down tad lower than I would have liked as she was walking to my right. Shot was 100 yards slightly downward and doe ran about 100 yards. She hung a hard left and went for the woods out of view from me, I thought she would be on the edge of the cornfield, down in she went to the bottom which is about 200 feet deep. A 4 wheeler and winch was used along with clothesline, yes clothesline, to drag her back out.
100 yard shot and 100 yard run with a low shot but the bullet angled up and broke the offside shoulder, chicken wing style. Can you follow a blood trail?

I wish I had a pic of her stretched out a bit but everything was downhill so wasn’t going to chase her anymore. She was big and chonk, lots of fat, big head.