22 suppressors

Ordered a Griffin Checkmate HD.

Decided to just pimp out my childhood 10/22. Ordered an Enoch chassis and a V whatever that company is carbon barrel.

Just need to figure out a scope for it. Thinking a cheap 2-12 or something. Want to be able to dial in but still shoot rabbits at 10 yards. Maybe even an lpvo.
Report back when you get to try the checkmate please. The oring system looks interesting in the as well as the qd.
I’ve had great luck with the CCI subsonic. In my bolt rifles I like the cci quiet.
I have the CCI Quiet in 710fps and also in 835fps or something close to that. I've seen a lot of folks saying that they have to cycle manually with subsonic rounds. I ordered some of then "suppressor subsonic 45gr" it's listed at 970fps I believe. I've seen others at 1050fps etc. Just wondering how close I have to get to the 1100 mark for everything to cycle.

That Quiet 710fps stuff without a suppressor is not quiet at all. That's why I have the CB shorties that's also 710fps, a lot quieter but still not as quiet as I want. Hopefully the suppressors fix that.
I have the CCI Quiet in 710fps and also in 835fps or something close to that. I've seen a lot of folks saying that they have to cycle manually with subsonic rounds. I ordered some of then "suppressor subsonic 45gr" it's listed at 970fps I believe. I've seen others at 1050fps etc. Just wondering how close I have to get to the 1100 mark for everything to cycle.

That Quiet 710fps stuff without a suppressor is not quiet at all. That's why I have the CB shorties that's also 710fps, a lot quieter but still not as quiet as I want. Hopefully the suppressors fix that.
My tacsol only cycles the cci quiets if it's super clean, as soon as the gun starts getting. bit dirty, it won't cycle that stuff so I just use the subsonic. There's no crack to it so I can shoot it in my backyard and nobody notices.

the CCI quiet through my t1x was just a click and Id hear it hit.
I use the Aquila long rifle standard velocity in my pistols and integrated suppressed barrel. It advertises 1130 fps but It’s just under supersonic in those applications and shoots really accurately for me, plus it cycles everything from my 10/22 to semi auto pistols. I’d rather have over 1000 fps than 710 personally.

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Federal 45 gr subsonic (red box) cycles well in my buckmark and 22/45. For semi autos, I think you may have a hard time getting the CCI quiets to cycle.
CCI has a quiet "semi auto" that cycles well for me in a mark IV
Ya, that's the one I saw........835fps. Fedex just dropped off a couple thousand rounds of a few different options to try.

Also just bought a Dead Air Mask today. Man, this can thing IS addictive. But I can think of worse things to spend money on. When I get into new stuff, I don't put a toe in......I jump in head first. I'm going to be doing a lot more shooting these days.......as well as my wife, even if she doesn't know it yet.
They're both good. The Mask has no frp on pistols.
This ∆

I have 2 Sparrows because I swap between so many hosts; the is no change in zero. IMHO, there is no great difference on rifles for any quality can. If you going exclusively pistols, the monocores will have more FRP.
Report back when you get to try the checkmate please. The oring system looks interesting in the as well as the qd.

Will do!

This should be a slick build off this chassis. Basically like the Grey Birch. Got a Sampson SAS stock for it. Be a great truck gun for bunnies and grouse.


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I really dig the mask... it's been super awesome both on rifles and pistols. A good ultra sonic clearer has made baffle cleaning a breeze.



Does your rifle have a 20” barrel? I just bought one with a 20” barrel and I’m trying to decide if putting a can on the end will make it too awkward for offhand shooting while hunting.