22 suppressors

Im running the OCL TI 22. More than satisfied… ease to clean, light weight, no special tool needed. Triggers has more noise than subs, supers are very nice as well. Lots of options though… good luck.
If you like, shoot me a message. I have 5 22 cans and I can shoot you video of each of them with the same gun and same ammo.

1. Rugged occulus.
2. Warlock
3. Gemtech
4. AB little bird
5. Tacsol integrated suppressor for 22/45
How would you rank those?
I think the occulus is the quietest because there is no first round pop.

The tacsol integrated barrel is pretty darn impressive as well.

But I’m just going off my ears. It’s so dang close that it’s hard to pick just one as the best. The Gemtech is probably the lightest but that little bird would give it a run for its money. I don’t know for sure. Just the way it feels.
I have a mist integrated suppressed barrel for a 10/22 and a thread on can (can’t remember the brand right now) but I use my 10/22 and like it way more than the thread on style. They both have their place, but I love the semi auto 10/22 with an integrated suppressed barrel.

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