.22/.22 Mag Rifles

My main squirrel rifle is a Ruger 10/22 in a French walnut stock with a 20” barrel. It has a Vortex Diamondback HP 4-12x42 in Leupold mounts on it. It will put 10 shots in a nickel at 50 yards where it’s zeroed with CCI mini mags hollow points. It’s probably a 1.25 MOA rifle but I’ve not broke out the calipers or anything.

My preferred “truck gun” is a Marlin 922M 22 mag with a Nikon Prostaff 3-9x40 shooting 40 grain hollow points. It kills at out of its class. It will put 7 shots into the 1.5” at 100 yards.

My favorite, but my baby, is a Win 94/22M checkered stocked 22 mag. It is using a Tasco World Class scope from the late 90’s that has good optics. It shoots 40 grain hollow points around 1.5” at 100 yards.
Still prefer my Marlin 39 Mountie. Bought it on an estate sale, it wouldn’t eject reliably. Cleaned it well tightened the screws internally and tweaked the ejector. Runs like a top and shoots dimes at 50yds. Great to carry in the woods.
We’ve used a savage rascal, CZ 457 scout, Ruger precision rimfire, but the family favorite is a 10/22 with a suppressor and the magpul stock.