2025 Hoyt’s


Mar 6, 2022
Just wondering what everyone’s thoughts on the new Hoyt’s where they seem pretty fast and pretty expensive as well. Same bows as last year with new cams and shorter limbs. With draw length specific mods as well as floating yokes now..

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More or less what I was expecting. This is year 4 of this generation / riser configuration (at least for the carbon series) so they continue to make incremental tweaks to try and improve the bow. Prices aside, they seem to have addressed key areas. Guys have been complaining about mass weight for years and it looks like they were able to trim these down a bit from prior years. Hoyt has lagged a bit in the speed department so they added a little more juice. Limbs have been a little longer than competition so now it's a more compact package, etc.

People will complain about the limited adjustability of the new draw mods but then when Hoyt makes a more adjustable mod, those same people moan about being stuck on the inefficient side of the mod. I've already seen people (who haven't even seen the bows in person lol) saying that the lack of tuning features like Darton, Elite, Bowtech is disappointing and lagging behind, yet at the same time people want bullet proof reliability and durability - adding screws and moving components doesn't help those things. Not defending their designs but more just saying that from an engineering perspective, you can't have everything you want.

Only time will tell and like most years some will love them and some will hate them. I'll probably keep rocking my older rig for another year.
Still shooting my 2012 carbon element. I really wanted a new bow last year but dang! They just keep going up in price and the Hoyts just seemed to keep getting heavier. Maybe this is the year for the new Hoyt aluminum bow for me.
This rant isn’t aimed at Hoyt although they are the ones who keep pushing prices up….

But I really wish manufacturers would do away with the yearly product line refreshes. It was cool back when they were making gains but anymore it’s just turning over bows for no reason other than to fuel consumer demand for new shit. I’m sure it would cut into profits so I doubt it ever happens. People used to get excited about these releases at this point its white noise.
More or less what I was expecting. This is year 4 of this generation / riser configuration (at least for the carbon series) so they continue to make incremental tweaks to try and improve the bow. Prices aside, they seem to have addressed key areas. Guys have been complaining about mass weight for years and it looks like they were able to trim these down a bit from prior years. Hoyt has lagged a bit in the speed department so they added a little more juice. Limbs have been a little longer than competition so now it's a more compact package, etc.

People will complain about the limited adjustability of the new draw mods but then when Hoyt makes a more adjustable mod, those same people moan about being stuck on the inefficient side of the mod. I've already seen people (who haven't even seen the bows in person lol) saying that the lack of tuning features like Darton, Elite, Bowtech is disappointing and lagging behind, yet at the same time people want bullet proof reliability and durability - adding screws and moving components doesn't help those things. Not defending their designs but more just saying that from an engineering perspective, you can't have everything you want.

Only time will tell and like most years some will love them and some will hate them. I'll probably keep rocking my older rig for another year.

Yeah I don’t care about the fancy tuning crap i have a bow shop in my house for a reason and I don’t mind shims and love the top hat system on Mathews set em once and be done. I was gonna get a new bow last year and really wanted the Lift but after seeing the limb issues I just decided to wait for this year to upgrade my V3X. I still hunt with my VXR 28 and my Hoyt Helix. I’m more of a Mathews person but will shoot what feels the best to me. I hear Mathews may have some fancy tuning crap as well this year??? I would like to shoot the new Dartons this year as well but I like the new Hoyt Alpha 29.5 but I hate that big ass handle on all the Hoyt’s lol. I say I like the Hoyt but I have not shot one so I may hate it but the reviews I saw looked promising as far as speed which I like simply cause I use a 550 grain arrow and every little bit helps. I have all my Mathews bows cranked up to 80 to get a little more out of them but if they can be just as fast at 75 I’m good with that. I know speed is not that big of a deal but if I can get that arrow on high 280s I like it. 80 pounds 29 inches does that with my current Mathews bows. I am happy to see Hoyt shave some weight off and shorting the limbs..

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I've been clamoring for a "turbo" model based on the RX-7's riser for a few years now and it looks like the RX-9 Ultra is basically that.

Of course they release it the year of me trying to go full trad.
Still shooting my 2012 carbon element. I really wanted a new bow last year but dang! They just keep going up in price and the Hoyts just seemed to keep getting heavier. Maybe this is the year for the new Hoyt aluminum bow for me.
I still shoot that same bow as well.
I just realized that Hoyt went from multiple cams and a single mod per cam to one cam and multiple mods to now they have multiple cams and multiple mods.

I feel sorry for dealers that have to track all this.
I just realized that Hoyt went from multiple cams and a single mod per cam to one cam and multiple mods to now they have multiple cams and multiple mods.

I feel sorry for dealers that have to track all this.

i noticed they went to include draw length up to 32" on their long ATA bows too. I think it was to cater to dudley.
The names on the carbon bows confuse me the RX-9 is faster the the RX-9 ultra . I know the RX9 is a shorter ATA so I guess there are more integration stuff for the ultra?? To me the ultra sounds like it would be faster or is that the old turbo models that where faster..

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I plan on going to my local shops this weekend if they have any demos and check them out. More than likely won’t be picking up one brand new, hope to get some kind of discount on a RX8U though.
I shot both the RX9 Ultra yesterday and the Alpha AX-2 32". The draw curve on the Ultra stacks but the speed is definitely there. My friend who has the Ultra coming will be picking up 20 FPS from the 8 Ultra at 28.5 draw length for a 425 grain arrow. I ended up ordering the AX-2 as I felt it was much smoother and quieter than the 9. I should be shooting my 445 grain arrow @ roughly 291 based on the speeds we were seeing with a 500 grain arrow through the chronograph. I shot the RX8 all season and it's still my primary until I get the AX-2 set up but it will be interesting. I am not a fan of the floating yokes and that just gives me less simplicity. 1 small burr and more serving to separate I am not a fan of so we shall see.