2024 Turkey Meat Pole


Jul 11, 2023
Cant believe no one has started a turkey meatpole thread yet this season so figured I would! Let’s see some dead long beards post’em up!
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Kansas youth week. We hunted Monday, opening morning with no success, I had to rest up Tuesday since I'm working night shift. Had Wednesday night off so we planned to hit hard on Wednesday. Kids homeschool so their schedule is flexible! Couldn't get to the woods until after daylight on Wed. Me and my older son(13) and wife hunted first.
They were gobbling when we got there so we quickly set up on a field edge before they came out of the timber. We gave a few calls and had gobblers in three directions. One came in behind us and busted as he swung the gun around. This also spooked a bird that was coming out of the timber across the field. About 5 minutes later, the wife whispers there is a bird at 3 o'clock, I keep looking and don't see anything and finally realize I'm looking at 9oclock. As I look left I see the hen coming with gobbler behind. He's probably about 40 yds and moving so I give a couple calls to try and stop him. He doesn't stop. As he gets straight out from us he turns and heads straight for the decoy at 20yds, as he turns to square off with the jake decoy he blast him with a perfect head shot.
Now about 820am, we take pics and load up to drop son off and pick up the daughter. We head back to the same general area and set up decoys and give a few calls. We never hear a single gobble. After 15-20 minutes I look up and see a gobbler coming across the field about 200yds away. He stops about 100yds out and starts strutting. He breaks strut moves 10yds or so closer and struts again. He repeats until he's about 30-40yds and she lets him have it, boom, second bird down at 1030.
Hopefully I'll have a story to post soon from me and the wife hunts, I've missed 2 with the bow and she's yet to capitalize on the opportunities she had with the crossbow.
Both my kids got a bird over the past two weekends. 2 hunts, 2 birds. My daughter’s hunt was absolutely intense. That bird was so close he about stepped on us!


In the blind in WI with my daughter currently. Few birds around but none have come in yet…

Just had one gobble and pop up at 200 so we’ll see what happens now!

Some great pics so far!
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Aaaannnddd... For the 2nd year in a row the tractor showed up to spray herbicide on our field while we're hunting. The joys of renting vs owning.

Few big toms around but they don't want to come in! Just gobble and strut from 100-200 yards away.

We'll try again tomorrow. My daughter made it 5 hours in the blind no problem and at least heard and saw some birds this time so that's a bit of an improvement.