Nebraska public land 4/20. Called this tom in from over 400 yards (ranged). Even pulled him away from 3 hens. Hens running after him, pretty funny.
Drew a KS tag, but got called back to work last Monday. Got to make money to pay for future hunts lol. So 1 and done this year for me.
MI private land opener. 9" beard 1.25" spurs. About a 10 yard shot sitting against a tree with a hen decoy at 3 yards. Had Jakes pecking at that staring me down while trying to get the gun turned onto a Tom.
I've only been hunting them for a couple years, had a great year calling last year but couldn't connect for various reasons. This year, first time out, I finally got it done. 10" beard, 1". Spot and stalk for about 3/4 mile and got him in to 10yds.
Lord blessed me with bird #2 last night around 7PM here in Montana. He had a bunch of hens, so I aggressively cut/yelped almost non stop for about 5 min, then went totally silent. He closed the distance from 300 yds and 150 feet below me to right in my lap, it's always so fun when the plan actually works!
Okay I'll get in on this too. Turkeys are pretty easy to come by here in Eastern NE. I never get too fired up about them, but this one was special.
I took this tom with my late grandfathers Steven's model 311a double barrel .410 built in 1950. It is what we call a "farm gun", meaning it spent much of its life on the floor of a truck or leaned up against a pole in the barn. Nothing pretty to look at, but functional.
This was surely this gun's first turkey, because there were no turkeys in this part of the country when it was last fired. Which reminds me of my last thought before shooting this tom... *I hope this old gun still fires.*
Opening day NY. Shot this dumb one with a 28 ga with regular old lead 6s. That completes my sweep of all available gauges. 410,28,20,16,12, and 10. Now if anyone has an old side lock MZ shotgun for sale PM me please.
Beautiful spring morning in Indiana today. This guy was roosted probably 150 yards away gobbling right at daybreak and came through the woods to some hen calls. Man I love turkey hunting!!