2024 show your dogs success

I listened to a couple of podcasts that just didn’t let the dog retrieve for a while to show it wasn’t their bird.
I started with the treat like you said this week in our yard work as I think there should be less that could go wrong with rewarding for the drop. Giving a squirt in the eyes with the water bottle worked a couple of times, might save that one up for a test day if need be.

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Yeah, you can not let them have the retrieves. I think that’s a step or two down the road though. The water bottle squirt works, or you can just pinch the lips into their teeth until they open their mouth.

Whenever one of my dogs is a dink in the field I’ll take the bird and then give it right back to them and make them hold it. Repeat a couple of times then give them a drink as a reward.
Cedar got her first pheasant today and had a blast running through the fields. She especially enjoyed my buddies rooster as she got to catch it twice. Once when he initially shot it and then a second time after it flushed out of his game bag after playing dead for over an hour.

I also got my first PA Pheasant and christened my new to me Browning Superposed.

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@ORHunter What boat is that? ANy more action pics of it being deployed?
It's a Stealth Beavertail 2000. Here's the only picture I have of the entire boat. I run a little electric motor on it not seen in this picture. The downside is that it's really heavy so you don't want to have to drag it very far.

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