2024 Blacktail bucks

Yeah I usually throw some glass up on those places and immediately think “that’d be a terrible idea”

Yup lol. This is about 3/4 the way down into the canyon. One of those that's deeper than it is wide. Screwed up and killed a few bucks in the bottom of it. I try real hard not to do that anymore though. Try hard not to look at the far side of the damn canyon either lol

My pops bought a non-res tag to come up and hunt with me. We passed a bunch of spikes, haven’t seen any forkys since last week. We saw a monster 4 on some private timber with no public access. Then found a funky bladed 3x3 dogging a doe hard. Tried to sneak in close, he shot it at 20-25 yards because they bedded right where they entered the trees. Dad wants to get a shoulder mount done for his first true Columbian blacktail. Pretty good time in the woods yesterday. View attachment 783154
I can't tell if that's his right eyeguard reflecting light or if there is a hole in the middle of that bladed out beam?
Yup lol. This is about 3/4 the way down into the canyon. One of those that's deeper than it is wide. Screwed up and killed a few bucks in the bottom of it. I try real hard not to do that anymore though. Try hard not to look at the far side of the damn canyon either lol

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You need climbing gear to hunt that place, very cool and impressive
Been finding lots of elk and a few deer. Still figuring out this area and trying to get away from the pressure which is not easy.

What are everyone's thoughts about elk and blacktail sharing ground? Let's say you're glassing a smaller clearcut and you find elk, is it worth it to keep looking there or are deer less likely to be there at the same time. It's definitely less than ideal because you might have way more eyes, ears, and noses around to bust you, even though elk are generally a lot less paranoid than deer.1000005331.jpg
Been finding lots of elk and a few deer. Still figuring out this area and trying to get away from the pressure which is not easy.

What are everyone's thoughts about elk and blacktail sharing ground? Let's say you're glassing a smaller clearcut and you find elk, is it worth it to keep looking there or are deer less likely to be there at the same time. It's definitely less than ideal because you might have way more eyes, ears, and noses around to bust you, even though elk are generally a lot less paranoid than deer.View attachment 783811
I don’t think it matters from my experience as long as there’s deer populations in the area they can be in the same general area deer especially bucks just tend to be on the edges of cover a little more often
Been finding lots of elk and a few deer. Still figuring out this area and trying to get away from the pressure which is not easy.

What are everyone's thoughts about elk and blacktail sharing ground? Let's say you're glassing a smaller clearcut and you find elk, is it worth it to keep looking there or are deer less likely to be there at the same time. It's definitely less than ideal because you might have way more eyes, ears, and noses around to bust you, even though elk are generally a lot less paranoid than deer.View attachment 783811
It depends, a small herd generally doesn’t matter, I’ve seen deer and elk feed side by side many times

On the other hand, I think bigger herds make too much noise for deer and makes them nervous.

I have seen the same pattern many times, good deer areas void of deer sign when elk are in the area… or the other way around, hunting elk and seeing lots of deer sign, I know the elk aren’t around currently

They do coexist, but more often, elk will push deer out when they are there. They don’t go far
In my experience if I am in an elky area, there isn't a lot of deer. Ofcourse there's exceptions and always some high mountain mule deer I find while rocky mountain elk hunting, and a few blacktail where I hunt Roosevelt elk, but generally lower numbers. I don't think they cohabitate well.
Considering that elk season is a week away. I think I'd still just poke around that area, if only to keep tabs on things......
Definitely. All my summer elk scouting didn't amount to much, but deer season I can't not see elk every day.
Saw 41 deer total today, 7 of which were bucks. I hung my tag on this one