2023 rut-less observatons

After 20+ years of thinking I knew a couple of my OTC areas well, I had a new realization that I had been missing all along. For me, 2023 was much more positive than 2022 that is for sure! I hope to draw a unit next year, but overall, 2023 was a positive OTC success.
Central Montana was a fun hunt - wasn't able to connect on a bull, but had 3-4 of them within a few hundred yards. Our storm that came through a few weeks ago woke them up. We hunting through the rain/snow and for 3 days in a row, had satellites running around responding well to cow calls (but were timid) and a few heard bulls that were angry. Bugling wasn't effective for anything other than locating... most bulls we ran in to were wanting to keep their cows and run. Had one pretty pissy one day, but still wouldn't let us get within 100 yards.

For us, locating a bull, and then getting close with cow calls was the ticket. That said, guess we failed becuase we never took a shot - but we saw them and had fun even if we were soaked :-)
Had a second archery tag in the famous Gila- National Forest, not wilderness. The elk were silent except a few bugles the second to last day (9/23). We had one bull act semi- interested in our cow calls, but not enough to come in. Most bugles that day were pretty half-hearted, and not in any way aggressive. One outfitter had 17 hunters in camp and killed 0 bulls. All the locals, guides and outfitters in the area said it was the worst year they'd ever seen for rutting activity. It wasn't surprising to me- I finally drew a good tag– something had to go wrong ;-)

All that said, I'll be trying to draw another tag somewhere next year.
After 20+ years of thinking I knew a couple of my OTC areas well, I had a new realization that I had been missing all along. For me, 2023 was much more positive than 2022 that is for sure! I hope to draw a unit next year, but overall, 2023 was a positive OTC success.
I had a LE Oregon tag. Even it being LE, good rut action was hit and miss.
If you are struggling to adapt your hunting, it doesn't mean any changes that affect other hunters are needed.

Where do all these young bulls that you ran into come from if the elk aren't breeding? Just because you are hearing elk first hand while checking other hunters' camps doesn't mean they aren't doing elk stuff in the other 99.9999~% of their habitat you don't have first hand knowledge of.

Is it more likely that those young bulls were near cows and a herd bull that moved off when you started wearing out your diaphragms? Or is it more likely those young bulls were totally clueless and hadn't seen another elk in weeks?

This concept that if a wild animal who is strictly built to survive and breed isn't fitting their behavior into how a hunter wants in the week they are out means that "sweeping changes" are needed is the road to a bad future. Trying to limit other hunters is not the solution to a person's own lack of success.
And i beg to differ. I'm not the wanna be hunter who haphazard's his way through the woods. I've got 35 years of hunting these beasts, was bugling through a notched grass reed before you probably even knew what a diaphragm is. The 10-15 miles a day i put in , going from 8.000 feet to 12,000, gives me a pretty good idea as to what's going on in the elk woods, and also coupled with some friends who also are top notch hunters. who also are experiencing the same issues. The increased input and backlash that Colorado's Parks and Wildlife has, and is getting, has everything to do with too many hunters coming to this state. We started bitching at them 6 years ago that they were losing their herds in parts of the state. It took two years of meeting with them, and in our area they cut archery tags from 2500 plus to under 700. Now let that sink in. 2500 archery hunters is 2 GMU units. But maybe, like you say, I'm all wet, so are a bunch of other good hunters, and also CPW's field officers, terrestrial managers, and biologists. If we stayed at the 2500, and growing, archery hunters, walked away from the sweeping changes you deem unnecessary, and the push back on OTC rifle tags stopped,...yah, we wouldn't need sweeping changes because slowly but surely there would be hardly any elk to hunt. And by the way, I'm retired now and spent 3 weeks in the woods. Gps on watch logged just under 200 miles. Guess that means I don't have any first hand observations and the mounts on my walls are a testament to a "lack of success".
"Wildlife and wild places no longer exist by accident or without the intervention of those that truly and deeply care. The lion needs the hunter as much as the hunter needs the lion. There can be no stewardship without stewards."
We started bitching at them 6 years ago that they were losing their herds in parts of the state. It took two years of meeting with them, and in our area they cut archery tags from 2500 plus to under 700. Now let that sink in. 2500 archery hunters is 2 GMU units.

What did your complaining accomplish?

1) reduced opportunity for hunters in your area
2) increased pressure in other units due to displaced hunters in yours
3) no improvement, and it seems further degradation of hunting in your unit
4) zero change to rifle seasons

Look at what happened when CBA started complaining about archery hunt "quality". They took away opportunities. I've read you state on here many times you "took CPW to task" about elk numbers. Yet, you still seem to be wanting to rally support for further complaint.

I'd urge you to put some thoughts into what the goal is with your complaints or further "taking to task" of CPW. It didn't work out the first go round and we continually see that when CPW hears complaints, their quick solution is to remove the complainers from the field rather than study and address IF a problem actually exists.

Let it sink on that a reduction from 2500 to 700 available carcass tags, STILL didn't improve your hunt. The lion needs a thoughtful steward, not just any steward.

Congrats on logging 200 miles, hang that watch next to your mounts.
Hunting the same draw unit where I live for the past 7 years with both an elk & a deer tag. This year a lot of deer skeletons all over the woods, zero bugles, 2 cow elk seen, a couple deer and they were mighty fine bucks but no where near the numbers of deer and elk I've seen in past years. I know my couple areas like the back of my hand and nothing there! I usually get multiple stalk opportunities every year in this area but just one on a cow elk the first week and that was it.

It was great to get out and hunt but by the second week of hunting I was considering whether I would draw back on either elk or deer if I got another stalk with how bad it looks in this area this year.

Pretty sobering season, this was not from hunter pressure - ran into nobody out in the woods and only saw 3 hunters near parking areas (where I don't park - so saw them driving by).

I hope the herds recover is all I can say, really hope this winter is not harsh on the remaining animals.

Where I live past years it has been normal to see a bunch of deer on the regular and we have a local elk herd that I don't hunt. Very few bucks, less does and a couple fawns and the elk herd is tiny but the bull is a nice size and a couple satellite bulls.
Had a great rut where I was, better than the last few years. The moisture this year really kicked things up.
For the guy complaining about pressure and elk on a WY general tag…. I got nothing 😂
I was out there the whole month and found no difference with the moon phases. I drove around in the night, bugling up into known elk haunts, and only occasionally got a single answer, but they were always silent or long gone by daybreak. Once in awhile a bull would bugle in the night on the bench above camp, but they were apparently way up the deadfall mountain by first light. The exception was across the line in the WY wilderness, where they found refuge and bugled day and night.

One day at noon a bull accidentally wandered across the line and was bugling above my camp at noon. I knew this bull, was hunting his hangout right on the edge of the Forbidden Zone and had been trying to call him across for a couple days, succeeded once but no shot. Wind was blowing every which way. Within a short time two different guys attacked him from different directions, blowing their horns, and ran him back into the wilderness. He never came out after that.
What did your complaining accomplish?

1) reduced opportunity for hunters in your area
2) increased pressure in other units due to displaced hunters in yours
3) no improvement, and it seems further degradation of hunting in your unit
4) zero change to rifle seasons

Look at what happened when CBA started complaining about archery hunt "quality". They took away opportunities. I've read you state on here many times you "took CPW to task" about elk numbers. Yet, you still seem to be wanting to rally support for further complaint.

I'd urge you to put some thoughts into what the goal is with your complaints or further "taking to task" of CPW. It didn't work out the first go round and we continually see that when CPW hears complaints, their quick solution is to remove the complainers from the field rather than study and address IF a problem actually exists.

Let it sink on that a reduction from 2500 to 700 available carcass tags, STILL didn't improve your hunt. The lion needs a thoughtful steward, not just any steward.

Congrats on logging 200 miles, hang that watch next to your mounts.
Don't know what burr you got under your saddle. You want to set on your duff and bitch about guys like me who maybe have an eye on future generations having the same opportunities as we have. It is evident you don't agree with, or want anyone messing up YOUR hunting now. Case in point to your assessment that doing something equals negative results, and guys like me just need to keep our mouth's shut, no change would be happening in 2025 with resident to non resident tag allocation if hunters had done what you suggest, which is to shut up and not screw up YOUR hunting. Instead, they voiced their displeasure to the CPW, don't know how many guys i told to quit bitching about it and email them. Guess what, contrary to your biased, self involved opinion that guys like me and the hundreds of other resident hunters who let their voice be heard need to shut up, there will be a change in tag allocation.....so I guess I need to just shut up and quit messing with YOUR hunting opportunities. By the way, 2 years of tag reduction does not equal an immediate herd increase. You can play the long game with an eye on the upcoming generations, or play the short game so that YOUR happy with YOUR hunting opportunities now.
Don't know what burr you got under your saddle. You want to set on your duff and bitch about guys like me who maybe have an eye on future generations having the same opportunities as we have. It is evident you don't agree with, or want anyone messing up YOUR hunting now. Case in point to your assessment that doing something equals negative results, and guys like me just need to keep our mouth's shut, no change would be happening in 2025 with resident to non resident tag allocation if hunters had done what you suggest, which is to shut up and not screw up YOUR hunting. Instead, they voiced their displeasure to the CPW, don't know how many guys i told to quit bitching about it and email them. Guess what, contrary to your biased, self involved opinion that guys like me and the hundreds of other resident hunters who let their voice be heard need to shut up, there will be a change in tag allocation.....so I guess I need to just shut up and quit messing with YOUR hunting opportunities. By the way, 2 years of tag reduction does not equal an immediate herd increase. You can play the long game with an eye on the upcoming generations, or play the short game so that YOUR happy with YOUR hunting opportunities now.

One could say the same thing about YOUR approach being self-centered as well ;)

YOUR hunt was unsatisfactory, so YOUR view is changed need to be made regardless of the effect to others. YOUR advocation for change is based on YOUR short term observations and own biased bubble of perspective.
...that's not getting anyone anywhere.

You said you are retired, so I take you are not employed as a wildlife manager. Have you ever been? Did you work for CPW?

In the hope of drawing out a genuine and honest discussion, and I hope we can have one, do you trust CPW with the wildlife management efforts and strategy?

I get that YOUR hunt was unsuccessful. Isn't that the statistical norm? Lots of folks were unsuccessful while you were stacking them up with a grass reed over 35 years. Were you advocating for sweeping changes to limit YOUR hunts on their behalf? "For the future generations", right?

I'd imagine you've nodded your head in agreement more than a few times at the phrase, "that's why it's called hunting and not killing".

I have follow up questions and hope we can do the discussion part for a bit.
One could say the same thing about YOUR approach being self-centered as well ;)

YOUR hunt was unsatisfactory, so YOUR view is changed need to be made regardless of the effect to others. YOUR advocation for change is based on YOUR short term observations and own biased bubble of perspective.
...that's not getting anyone anywhere.

You said you are retired, so I take you are not employed as a wildlife manager. Have you ever been? Did you work for CPW?

In the hope of drawing out a genuine and honest discussion, and I hope we can have one, do you trust CPW with the wildlife management efforts and strategy?

I get that YOUR hunt was unsuccessful. Isn't that the statistical norm? Lots of folks were unsuccessful while you were stacking them up with a grass reed over 35 years. Were you advocating for sweeping changes to limit YOUR hunts on their behalf? "For the future generations", right?

I'd imagine you've nodded your head in agreement more than a few times at the phrase, "that's why it's called hunting and not killing".

I have follow up questions and hope we can do the discussion part for a bit.
Sorry Mr Troller. Back in the day, cold , clear,mountain stream water was drinkable and a guy didn't have to lug around a water supply or filter it. But times change and people, dead animals, etc, muddied up those streams, contaminating them. You sir, have contaminated the water from this chat room,so to speak, and I definitely did not join this to be called a liar and have my integrity as a hunter or a person just trying to make a difference in the hunting / conservation community degraded. So i'm outta here. Adios
Had a second archery tag in the famous Gila- National Forest, not wilderness. The elk were silent except a few bugles the second to last day (9/23). We had one bull act semi- interested in our cow calls, but not enough to come in. Most bugles that day were pretty half-hearted, and not in any way aggressive. One outfitter had 17 hunters in camp and killed 0 bulls. All the locals, guides and outfitters in the area said it was the worst year they'd ever seen for rutting activity. It wasn't surprising to me- I finally drew a good tag– something had to go wrong ;-)

All that said, I'll be trying to draw another tag somewhere next year.
Had a second archery tag in the famous Gila- National Forest, not wilderness. The elk were silent except a few bugles the second to last day (9/23). We had one bull act semi- interested in our cow calls, but not enough to come in. Most bugles that day were pretty half-hearted, and not in any way aggressive. One outfitter had 17 hunters in camp and killed 0 bulls. All the locals, guides and outfitters in the area said it was the worst year they'd ever seen for rutting activity. It wasn't surprising to me- I finally drew a good tag– something had to go wrong ;-)

All that said, I'll be trying to draw another tag somewhere next year.
Had the second hunt in the Gila as well we were into bugling bulls almost every single day was able to harvest my first bull. Only 330 not a monster for the unit I was in and also not the biggest bull we chased or seen.


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Congrats, nice, pretty bull. From the comments here, it definitely was a slow fall. Think there are a lot of factors that affect the rut anymore. Biggest change i see, and who knows exactly why, is that the cows are coming into estrus later now compared to 10 years ago. You cannot shut up a bull on the rump of a cow in heat. We were excited when CPW extended the archery season to Sept 30, hardly made any difference. But you go back into those same woods around Oct 5 and it's a rocky mountain canary songfest.