One could say the same thing about YOUR approach being self-centered as well
YOUR hunt was unsatisfactory, so YOUR view is changed need to be made regardless of the effect to others. YOUR advocation for change is based on YOUR short term observations and own biased bubble of perspective.
...that's not getting anyone anywhere.
You said you are retired, so I take you are not employed as a wildlife manager. Have you ever been? Did you work for CPW?
In the hope of drawing out a genuine and honest discussion, and I hope we can have one, do you trust CPW with the wildlife management efforts and strategy?
I get that YOUR hunt was unsuccessful. Isn't that the statistical norm? Lots of folks were unsuccessful while you were stacking them up with a grass reed over 35 years. Were you advocating for sweeping changes to limit YOUR hunts on their behalf? "For the future generations", right?
I'd imagine you've nodded your head in agreement more than a few times at the phrase, "that's why it's called hunting and not killing".
I have follow up questions and hope we can do the discussion part for a bit.