North Idaho late rut?

Oct 2, 2022
i normally do very well towards the end of September but I'm having a strange season up in the panhandle. Bulls are vocal and responsive, but not aggressive. There are scrapes everywhere, but it is damn near impossible to get a bull fired up. I have some friends locally that have killed bulls in early season and see others have had luck in Idaho, but I've also heard of other having the same experience as me. Could it be the cows haven't came into estrus yet? Warm September with late equinox? Trappers have not been able to lay trap lines for wolves, are the elk being over pressured? Any ideas?
Just the way it is some years. The cows come into estrus the same window every year within a given region. The craziness factor may not be as intense in some years, why only the elk know. Some years this last week and the week prior to rifle is when things go bananas and may be real good for the first part of rifle season. I like that idea for my tag and have seen it many times like this in my 45 year experience 🤙
I mean, I've seen plenty of cows in the panhandle. But not the elk kind, the two areas I've hunted for the little bit before my back said no I didn't even hear a elk.
It is definitely interesting the year to year differences. We’ve been into some crazy action around the October rifle opener after a dead end of September. I did seem to notice that where I was hunting it had more pressure than normal, and bulls did seem more timid. But who knows, you could be just one day away from the best rut action of your life too.
We have had bulls fire up after 10 am most days. I think they are up in the moon . We work them in the bedding areas.
Mid month was dead quiet.
It picked back this weekend.
Been on and off here is central East Idaho. We have killed 4 good bulls, but have also had 2-3 days were nothing is going on. Yesterday is was a wild ride, bulls screaming until 11. And then nothing, been a long 3 weeks
Called in two5s for my friend yesterday and heard 5 bulls none of them were ripping they get a B on their rut feistyness🤣
pretty normal - especially over the past 10-12 years. Recent high heat, wolves, PRESSURE from 3x more hunters, and griz all tend to keep them quiet until the peak of estrus - even then as soon as they feel nearly any pressure, they shut down.
Have to be in the woods if you can. Have to be there to catch the window of time that allows the game to be played.