Sep 16- What was supposed to be a day of elk hunting quickly changed when we spotted this buck feeding. My wife and I were out trying to get her an elk with the Muzzleloader. Like most days the animals didn’t care what our plans were. We climbed 2 miles up to the top of a mountain, arriving right at daylight, to look and listen for elk. Immediately I spotted this buck feeding away. I dropped my pack, took off my boots and gaiter, and began to stalk towards him. The morning was as still as it could be and I thought getting in range would be impossible. After 350 yards of creeping along frozen ground in my socks, rocks freezing and sticking to my socks, I found myself 55yds away. The buck had no idea I was there until the bow was released. He jumped at the shot, but it was too late, the arrow hit perfect. He ran only 50yds and piled up. We called for backup and my daughter and buddy showed up to help pack out. We were out by lunch and made it elk hunting by the evening.
Opening day Wyoming buck. I’ve been hunting the same area every year since I was legal to and it’s awful fun coming home to watch the deer grow older over the years. Spotted this guy 3 days before the season started traveling to a very sneakily covered day bed. He proceded to stay sheltered during the daylight hours for the rest of the week until opening morning. I was glassing into the basin at first light when he got hungry or bored, popped up, and started slowly working towards a fence line I couldn't let him cross. A fast 600 yard sneak/run through sage and an ancient irrigation ditch put me at 453 yards. I put a 130gr accubond cleanly into his lungs and he tipped over after a short dash. He's my my personal best deer to date. Looking forward to seeing his age.

Measured out to 149 5/8"

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Cool picture from my brother of my nephew and his wife on her first big game hunt. Wyoming friend’s ranch we hunt every year.




My buddy was #1 this year

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Cool picture from my brother of my nephew and his wife on her first big game hunt. Wyoming friend’s ranch we hunt every year.




My buddy was #1 this year

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Jealous- I hunted 6k acres in Kansas as kid and have been ruined since.

That terrain is gorgeous and those bucks are awesome!


A minnow compared to many of the bucks in this thread, but I'm happy with him!

Took me 13 days of archery and 11 days of general season. A week before, I had busted three mature bucks from a small high basin. I'd glassed about 75% of it and seen nothing, and being in a rush needing to get out of the mountains that day, I'd tried to still hunt the rest, with predictable results. The bucks and I saw each other at the same time, and they leaped out of there. I got my rifle up, but was way too shaky to take a shot when they paused at 250 yards before disappearing over a ridge. Looking up at the rim rock, I saw that by carefully circling the top, it would be possible to glass the entire basin.

Fast forward a week. I belly crawled to the rim of the same basin. I stoped to glass with every yard I wiggled forward. More grass and trees came in to view. Finally I was on the edge of the cliff, but nothing. I backed out, circled a couple hundred yards, and belly crawled up again. Bedded directly in front of me was this buck, less than a hundred yards away. Half obscured by willows, he looked fast asleep. I counted four points on one side. I couldn't see all of the other, but figured four by something was good enough. The angle wasn't perfect. I briefly considered a neck shot before opting for the exposed front shoulder, deciding possibly ruining some meat was worth it for the higher percentage shot. He jumped up on impact, but immediately rolled down the hill, kicked twice and lay still. I was happy to count four points on both sides when I walked up to him!

A lot of patience and passes on smaller animals finally paid off. Next year I think I'm going to shoot the first legal buck I get a chance at!