Colorado Early Rifle



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Western Nebraska muley. Been watching a few bucks for awhile, coming out of the hills to one of our corn and hay fields in the evening. I sat on an ambush point where a few deer trails meet up. Two bucks jump onto the trail and headed across just out of range, then this guy came back across at 40 yards. I drew my bow, he turned and started walking straight down the corn row I was sitting in. He stopped at 16 yards, I took a frontal shot. He went 10 yards and it was done. So blessed to be able to notch my tag on such a beautiful Nebraska buck with my wife right by my side!


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Got this one yesterday afternoon. 8 yd shot thru lungs.
Old Bear B riser 43# @ 27". Cutthroat single bevel BH
Great buck. Congrats! Love seeing another traditional kill! Post it up over in the traditional archery kill thread too.
My biggest buck yet on the opener in here in Oregon. We found him at first light opening day and bedded him up within 200 yards of where my brother grazed the top of his back the weekend before with his bow. After my dad hiked up to us to keep tabs on him, my brother and I were able to sneak within 260 yards of him and waited an hour for him to stand. A 190 berger out of my 28 Nosler through his shoulder anchored him instantly. He's the biggest bodied deer I've ever been around, he completely dwarfed the does that were around.

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My wife got it done on her biggest buck, he’s a beautiful specimen and the biggest bodied deer I’ve broken down.

I found them at daylight and we sat on them most of day. They ended up bedding close to us in a ravine and she had to make a 30yrd shot.



Him and his wide framed buddy napping.