2022 Kotz Caribou Booked - Bear Fence or No

no bear fence IMO. Extra hassle and bears aren't aggressive. For 27 years now all I've done to deter bears and fox from the meat cache in all of Alaska is urinate around the meat pile and drop doo nearby leaving it open to air until the day I clear that camp (then bury or flick into the river). Never had a critter mess with my meat except martin on the islands in SE AK. Based on my experience, the ermine are the ultimate uber predator, but bears are easily greasy.
Ive had so many fox encounters like what VaHntr described (bold)...would surprise me to know wolves actually committed that act, Anything is possible though.
No black bears north of the Kobuk valley, only griz until you reach <7 miles or so from the arctic ocean coastline, then occasional polars.
I've hunted Alaska for a half century without an electric fence but I do as Larry says: I pee all around my camp area.

When on canoe trips where we often set up a hurried camp, we now set up a couple Critter Gitters garden alarms near camp. We watched a black bear walk up the beach toward camp and when the Critter Gitter went off, he ran off.
To the OP...bring an electric fence if it makes you feel better...sincerely now, your choice.

When out in wilderness areas, I primarily rely on the power (hopefully!) of a strategically constructed urinary fortress around the tent and the meat area, and I've never had a problem. I also choose to construct my meat caches/poles close to camp...there are pros/cons to that decision...and on float trips I have my raft right up along my tent at night so it doesn't become a chew-toy.

I've had a few bears come close to camp over the years and a few times come through camp during the night...I only knew because I saw fresh sign the next morning. Never gotten on the meat or crashed the tent...I do know others who have been less fortunate. I've have had some pretty exciting bear moments in the wild, but they've all ended well for me (pistol in hand/bear tag in pocket) and the bear (knock on wood)...bears around urban areas or where people are frequent-flyers are another story.

That said, I do own an electric fence, and I always use it on Kodiak...I just sleep better on "The Rock" when it's around my tent. It's also been with me on other trips "just in case", but honestly, I've only set it up once or twice...and it's the first thing I leave in the hangar if I need to shed wt. Personal choices that each of us make.

Hmmmm Vern...never heard of a Critter Gitter until you mentioned it here. I'll have to do a little reading on that.
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Having once lost all the de-boned meat from a moose, I would build a 6-strand barbed wire electrified fence if I could. That was a major heartbreaker for me and I go the extra weight/mile to help my odds in preventing it from happening again.
Not to sound harsh but theres literally the chance of bears any one in ak. If you have a fence or have room for one and it's going to make you sleep better bring it.

Just like when people ask if they need to bring an extension for their ice auger.

Better to have it and not need it then not have it amd wish you had it.

I bought one a few years ago and always take it if I am by my self. If I have another guy with me we sometimes bring it and some times not.

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Along with wizzing and crapping, another thing I would recommend is moth balls. Drop a pack in a panty hose sock and you can tie it off to anything. Stays pungent for at least 3 weeks in nasty weather. I’m not saying it’s 100% but I’ve seen bear tracks around our stuff numerous times but they didn’t mess with anything.
I am with Larry I have hunted the Arctic for 25years I always keep my meat within 25ft of my tent door . I have heard and witnessed nothing but horror stories of folks that leave their meat 100yds from camp . I have had countless bears circle my camps but never come in . Leave your meat away from your camp and they will circle and find it . Bring a fence if you want to but the pee method and being aggressive has always worked for me .
I wonder if having a motion alarm just inside the wire would help. Some incredibly loud backpack alarms, bike locks, etc. At least then you would be made aware and could chase away the offenders.