I have hunted merriams once in Wyoming just outside the Black Hills and for us they were a lot more fun to hunt and more vocal. If you get on the birds in the morning you will hear more gobbles than you are use to hearing from Eastern in a week of hunting. Majority of the birds we killed came in gobbling a long ways, but did have one or 2 go quiet and sneak in. Hens are very vocal and if can call them in good chance they have a gobbler or 2 in tow. Like others have said though, if one is going away you better get in front of for a chance.So how do merriams compare to easterns? Where you able to get on turkeys? I have chased elk in wyoming for years now. I am excited about trying to hunt merriams out west its a bucket list item and my daughter has taken a big interest in turkeys. She passed on hunting antelope this fall to hunt turkey. No turkeys where we elk hunt so I am starting from scratch with turkeys.
When will you be heading out there this spring? We are looking at being out that way around the 2nd week of May. Been doing a lot of e-scouting and talking with wardens and biologists. This will be our first time in the Black Hills and first time for most of my group hunting merriams.