2021 Best Bull Elk Hunt Photo Contest, sponsored by Kifaru

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379 inches of Montana general tag magic, over 33” of mass. He’s my third DIY archery 6x6 in a row, and is no doubt a bull of many lifetimes.

Not pictured are Neil and Hunter, two dudes who have been through it with me, and who I wouldn’t trade for a hundred bulls like this one.

What a monster, are you going to take him to Scott at Sure Shot? Just dropped mine off for a euro today.
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It's back! Six years running and just getting better! Kifaru has put up another $750 Credit in the Kifaru Store (just think!).

And new this year, Iron Will Outfitters is in with 2nd place prize for either their K1 Ultralight Hunting Knife or Iron Will K2 Ultralight Skinning Knife (both come in under 1.1 ozs, K2 shown)

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Some serious rewards for taking a great photo of your bull. Rules are listed below, but first check out the winning images from 2020:

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And @jr8fish (this guy has won or placed many years!)

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Ya, that's right, Roksliders like to put heavy things on their backs and take great pics--what's the problem?

Check out all the finalists here so you know what we're looking for.


This is NOT a biggest bull contest, but a "best photo" contest. The winning photo will be judged on the following criteria and rules:

1) WOW Factor. Is it a great photo that grabs the viewer? This takes in lighting, color, uniqueness, etc.

2) Composition- by that I mean the way in which the different parts that make up your photo are arranged- is there too much background, not enough animal? or visa versa? Are the antler tips out of the frame or the hunters head cut off? Or is it a good balance between the bull, the hunter, the terrain? (the hunter is not required to appear in the photo.)

3) Size of animal. This doesn't mean biggest animal wins, but if #1 and #2 are equal, we'll chose the bigger animal. (Got a problem with that? Home Depot sells sand by the bag.)

4) Must be a photo of a bull harvested fair chase in 2021 (or after December 10th of 2020--you must be able to prove date of harvest)

5) Between archery season and December 10th, post up your best harvest photo on this thread

6) Must be a Rokslide member to enter your photo. One photo per bull only. If you harvest multiple bulls, you can enter one photo for each (lucky dog, you!)

7) Also, by posting on this thread, you agree to let Rokslide and Kifaru use any of the photos in promotional material without compensation

8) Any international winner is responsible for border tax, custom fees, excessive postage fees, etc.

Good luck ladies and gents!
Amazing pictures, beautiful country
Since nobody else has posted a picture with enough poison oak in it that you may actually get poison oak from just looking at it.... here you go.
My Willamette Valley Oregon roosevelt bull.... who not only was a muddy mess, but died in a meadow of poison oak. My arms literally still itch and I killed it on 9/3...
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Shitters! I think I just had a poison oak flare-up looking at your photo...
This bull doesn’t stack up with most on here, but I worked my ass off for him. I was fortunate enough to have a total of fourteen nights in the central cascade wilderness throughout September. After a couple of close encounters earlier in the season I called this guy in to about 15yds. This ended a six year dry spell for me. All solo, over the counter tag. The six mile pack out was one of the more humbling experiences of my life.
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This bull doesn’t stack up with most on here, but I worked my ass off for him. I was fortunate enough to have a total of fourteen nights in the central cascade wilderness throughout September. After a couple of close encountered I called this guy in to about 15yds on the second to last day of the season. This ended a six year dry spell for me. All solo, over the counter tag.
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I don’t know how this doesn’t stack up with others, that’s a great bull!
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