2020 Bear Success Thread

My Alberta Spring bear shot May 26 2020
Officially scored 20 6/16" B&C

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Got a nice fall bear here in the smoke filled cascade mountains of Oregon. Find the groceries find the bears.


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I was hunting elk in the mountains close to home and was seeing lots of berries and lots of bear sign mid-september. Decided to sit for a while and after a couple hours out popped a big old bear about 500 yards away feeding on berries. The wind was just right and I was able to stalk in to just above where I had seen him. I couldn't see him for a while and I thought I might have spooked him away but I could hear him eating close by. His head popped up and he was under 25 yards. I could just see his head and I had my scope fixed on him for a minute or two while he was eating huckleberries. He fed out and I shot him at 20 yards with my .308 through the lungs. He ran 10 yards and whirled and lay down. I shot him again but didn't have to he was dead. I was by myself and had my work cut out for me as I had several km's to pack him out. I struggle with how deceptive the size and weight of bears can be. I packed out the four quarters in one load and came back and got the hide and head and "small parts" meat in another load by headlamp. I really should have done it over three loads, that packout messed me up a bit for a couple weeks. To my surprise the hide alone weighed over 50lbs. But you live and learn! So happy to have such great berry-fed meat from a high mountain bear. I had over 90lbs deboned meat off him so I think he weighed about 300lbs. He sure was impressive when standing and when down I couldn't roll him over. The layers of fat on him were unbelievable. Hunting bears is so great, and the meat is the best.


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Archery opener I took a average bear for NE PA. The next time sitting had the neighborhood monster under my stand 20 mins with no tag left. Bio estimates he’s 550-600. Neighbors nicknamed him Fat Albert. Crazy part is a 660 lbs bear was found shot and left one road down from me. In the Estates we live in each road only has 4-6 houses on .5-2 acre lots. That’s a lot of big bears in a small area.

Later moved the stand since all I have is a doe tag left and after a first morning bear and prior arrowing the neighborhood big buck folks started looking for my stand. Clanging the climber I turned to see what I thought was a person but was a Mama with 3 grown cubs. I’m sure glad she ran as my back was turned, I had an in-line not primed, and her cubs weren’t little. 51252575-6524-469E-AAB9-73DB15C55429.jpegED01F2DD-397C-494A-93DD-341EB0195BEB.jpegAD50FBF4-0256-43CD-8826-50E13EAEE64B.jpeg