2019 Roosevelt Elk

Unreal. That’s amazing. Thanks for sharing.

Anymore to the story? How did it all unfold? Any other pics of the hunt and gear used? Dump it all on us.

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I would also like the full story with more pictures, when you get a chance!
We all love a good pic... I drew a limited entry tag this year for Roosevelt elk in BC in a boat access only zone. Typically rosie draws in BC are once in a lifetime. Plan was to come in off the saltwater, get dropped off and backpack for 14 days or until we connected. Killed this bull the 5th day ~6.5 miles up one of the drainages. Lucked out with great weather (longest sunny stretch the south coast of British Columbia has seen in 65 years), a solid group of friends, and a great bull.


hell yeah!! dream roosie there! insane fronts for a roosie!! congrats on an awesome bull, you certainly did that tag justice!
One of the coolest looking bulls I've seen in a long time. Congratulations, such a cool bull.

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Oh my God!!! That is a dream bull!!!! Man, I’d like to hear the extremely long version of that hunt.

You can’t cheat the mountain
I would also like the full story with more pictures, when you get a chance!

Sorry for the delay on this, was in NW BC trying to help a buddy seal the deal on a late season goat hunt. I'll see about getting around to pumping out a full story on this sometime. There were certainly some ups and downs - missed a bigger bull on day two - but it was mostly just time spent creeping around the rainforest still hunting, glassing, and looking for sign. Bumped/heard the herd moving in some thick stuff ahead, and I never even got a full view of the bulls rack until it was dead. Timber was just so thick, but I could see it's crowns and knew (roughly) what caliber of bull it is.